Starting at the very beginning, you could pick up some material on graph
theory, and work through it, while making use of the graph library.

E.g. Here's an introduction to the absolute basics of Graph Theory:

And here I've followed along in Racket, figuring out parts of the library
as I go:

#lang racket

(require graph

; Define a simple graph
(define g (unweighted-graph/undirected
           '((v1 v2) (v1 v3) (v1 v4) (v4 v5) (v5 v6))))

; How many vertices are in the graph?
(define (cardinality g)
  (length (get-vertices g)))

(cardinality g)

; How many neighbors does vertex v have?
(define (degree g v)
  (length (get-neighbors g v)))

(degree g 'v1)

; Compute the adjacency list
(define (adjacency-list g)
  (for/list ([v (in-vertices g)])
    (list v
          (for/list ([ n (in-neighbors g v)])

(adjacency-list g)

; Compute the adjacency matrix
(define (adjacency-matrix g)
  (define card-g (cardinality g))
  (define vertices (for/list ([v (in-vertices g)]) v))
  (build-matrix card-g card-g
                (λ (u v)
                  (if (has-edge? g (list-ref vertices u) (list-ref vertices
                      1 0))))

(adjacency-matrix g)

; Is the graph actually a tree?
(define (is-tree? g)
  (= (length (get-edges g))            ; Counts edges twice (in both
     (* 2 (length (mst-kruskal g)))))

(is-tree? g)

(define loop (unweighted-graph/undirected '((a b) (a c) (b c))))
(is-tree? loop)

; Visualize the tree
(displayln (graphviz g))

; Paste output into to make an image

I hope that's enough to get you started


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