While in terms of O-notation, all linear algorithms are equivalent, the actual 
time to run a linear algorithm can significantly depend on the actual data 
structure.  In the program below, I calculate the sum of the elements of a 
vector or list in three ways, all of them linear algorithms.

* calculating the sum of the elements in a list (do-time sum1 10) takes 296 
milliseconds on my machine
* calculating the sum of the elements in the vector, (do-time sum2 10) takes 
374 milliseconds (slower than the list version!)
* calculating the sum of the elements in the vector by explicitly referencing 
elements, (do-time sum3 10) takes 62 milliseconds.

I guess my example shows two things:

* the generator for vectors appears to have a performance problem (1.25 times 
* it is 4.7 times faster to iterate over vectors than it is to do it over lists.

Best Regards,

#lang racket

(define nitems 1000000)
(define as-list (for/list ([x (in-range nitems)]) (random nitems)))
(define as-vector (list->vector as-list)) ; same data as in the list
(define (sum1)
  (for/fold ((sum 0))
            ((x as-list))
    (+ sum x)))

(define (sum2)
  (for/fold ((sum 0))
            ((x as-vector))
    (+ sum x)))

(define (sum3)
  (for/fold ((sum 0))
            ((x (in-range (vector-length as-vector))))
    (+ sum (vector-ref as-vector x))))

(define (do-time fn (iterations 1))
  (collect-garbage 'major)
  (define start (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (for ((n (in-range iterations)))
  (define end (current-inexact-milliseconds))
  (- end start))

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