I didn't see a way to make the text in a text-field% right or center aligned. 
There was some talk about using the set-paragraph-alignment on the 
text-field%'s editable<%> (get-editor), but this didn't appear to work for me.

Also, I noticed if one sets the text-field%'s enabled to #f, it makes the text 
read only, but is not selectable. I also noticed the editable<%> has two 
related methods: can-delete? and can-insert?.

My first thought was to create a subclass of text% and change the text-field%'s 
editor<%>, but there doesn't appear to be a way to change the editor<%>.

How should I obtain the desired behavior? Is there a control more suitable for 
this task? Or am I half-way there?

Winston Weinert

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