I would like to embed versioning and build date information in my application
executable, and I'm not sure how to do that.  To clarify, in C or C++, I would
write the following:

   #include <stdio.h>

   #ifndef APPVER
   #define APPVER "no version"

   void main()
        printf("%s\n", APPVER);

I can than compile the code by passing "-D APPVER=1.0" to the compiler command
line and have it print the correct version.

How can this be done in Racket?

I don't really want to check-in a file with the version number in it, and
besides, I would like to add my GIT commit ID and build date as well in the
same way.

My idea is that the build script would write a file like this at build time:

   #lang racket/base
   (define (app-version) "1.0")
   (define (app-commit-id) "abcdefg")
   (define (app-build-date) "06-01-2017T09:10:12")
   (provide app-version app-commit-id app-build-date)

I would than require this file from other places, but only if it exists,
something like this:

   (if (file-exists? "app-version.rkt")
       (require "app-version.rkt")
         (define (app-version) "dev build")
         (define (app-commit-id) "unknown")
         (define (app-build-date) "no build")))

Unfortunately, the code above does not work because require needs to be
defined at top level.

Does anyone have any suggestions?


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