On Friday, January 20, 2017 at 1:49:12 PM UTC-8, Lehi Toskin wrote:
> I have created a macro[1] that operates like regular define, but wraps the 
> definition around a struct with prop:procedure. This struct contains the 
> procedure to be used and a list representation of its definition. I've gotten 
> it to where I'm happy with its coverage (single arity, rest-args, etc.), but 
> one thing eludes me: currying. What I would like to do is take care of forms 
> like (define ((add n) m) (+ n m)) and have it transformed to be (lambda (n) 
> (lambda (m) (+ n m)). I've been able to pick apart the list '((add n) m) and 
> transform it myself, but putting it inside the macro makes things 
> complicated. 

Perhaps a job for `normalize-definition`? It handles all the syntactic 
disentangling in a `define`-like macro.

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax syntax/define))

(define-syntax (def stx)
  (with-syntax ([(id lambda-exp) (let-values ([(id-stx body-exp-stx) 
(normalize-definition stx #'lambda #t #t)])
                                   (list id-stx body-exp-stx))])
    #'(define id lambda-exp)))

(def foo 42)
foo ; 42

(def (bar x) x)
(bar 12) ; 12

(def ((zam x) y) (list x y))
((zam 'this) 'that) ; '(this that)

(def zoom (λ (x) (* x x)))
(zoom 7) ; 49

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