Le vendredi 20 janvier 2017 19:47:11 UTC+1, David K. Storrs a écrit :
> I see that I can get the event telling me that something changed.  As
> far as I can tell the event contains no information about *what*
> changed, it simply alerts that *something* changed.  Likewise, the
> monitor is only for the directory that I point it at, not for the
> subdirectories.

There *should* be a way to know what changed, at least in Linux as inotify 
allows this IIRC. Someone already wrote an FFI wrapper for inotify, hopefully 
it suits your needs (if it does, it would be cool to send a Pull Request to 
turn the repo in a Racket package, so that it can be put on 


As for monitoring subdirectories, unfortunately (and surprisingly) this is not 
possible with inotify on Linux. From the man page:

    Inotify monitoring of directories is not recursive: to monitor
    subdirectories under a directory, additional watches must be created.

Fortunately, this should be easy enough to do in Racket, thanks to the 
wonderful in-directory:

(define (watch-recursively d)
(for ([subnode (in-sequences (in-value d) (in-directory d))])
  (when (directory-exists? subnode) ;; filter out files
    (watch-the-directory subnode)))

This might take a while (and use up some resources) when watching a large 
directory :-( .

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