
I have an editor-canvas% subclass and want to set the default style,
but adding it with name "Standard" to the-style-list doesn't work. Do
I have to replace the style list of the canvas with a new one? Or does
the default style of an editor-canvas% have to be called differently?

Without the right default style set-line-count also doesn't work as
desired. It sets the wrong size for lines with smaller fonts that are
added, so I assume this method is based on the default style. But which
style is exactly the default style "Basic" or "Standard", and how do I
change it?




; Example (sorry, not runnable, because it uses my own preference and
; what I call 'metastyle' impementation)
; layout-init does not really change the style, which
; is why I use set-style for every snip. But then set-line-count
; doesn't work as desired.

(define console%
  (class editor-canvas%
    (inherit scroll-with-bottom-base allow-scroll-to-last)
    (define text #f)
    (define console-style #f)
    (define sema (make-semaphore 1))

    (define (layout-init)
      (define style (send the-style-list
                          find-named-style "Basic"))
      (set! console-style (send the-style-list
      (send the-style-list new-named-style "Standard" console-style)
      (set! text
            (new text%
                 [auto-wrap #t]
                 [line-spacing 0]))
      (send this set-editor text)
      (scroll-with-bottom-base #t)
      (allow-scroll-to-last #t)
      (send this set-line-count 2))

    (define (synced-add-line msg)
      (send text begin-edit-sequence)
      (send text set-position (send text last-position))
      (define snip (make-object string-snip% msg))
      (send snip set-style console-style)
      (send text insert #\newline)
      (send text insert snip)
      (send text end-edit-sequence)
      (send text scroll-to-position (send text last-position))
      (semaphore-post sema))
    (define/public (add-line msg)
       (lambda ()
         (synced-add-line msg))))

    (define/public (show-message msg delay)
      (if (> delay 0)
           (lambda ()
              (lambda ()
                (send this add-line msg))))
          (add-line msg)))

     [style '(auto-vscroll auto-hscroll no-border no-focus transparent)]
     [wheel-step 1]
     [scrolls-per-page 10]
     [stretchable-height #f])

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