Le lundi 27 mars 2017 22:36:43 UTC+2, jos.koot a écrit :
> When I use #:grammar in a defform,
> the rules of the grammer are separated by empty lines.
> I would like to avoid these empty lines.
> Is it possible?

I haven't seen a built-in mechanism to control this. Generally speaking, the 
tools for documenting bindings are somewhat inflexible, if your use case falls 
out of the existing options. This leaves you with three possibilities:

1) Copy the source code of the @defform macro, and patch it to your needs
2) Add an option to control this in the mainstream scribble, and hope/wait for 
your Pull Request to be accepted
3) Call the current, official @defform macro, and patch the result.

Solution 1 is future-proof, but your implementation and the official one may 
drift apart, yielding slight inconsistencies in the rendered output.

Solution 2 sounds better, although I wonder how many quick-fixes like this one 
@defform and similar macros can bear, given that they are already a maze of 
particularly complex code, with lots of special-casing.

Solution 3 is the simplest, but is also more brittle, as you depend on the 
output of @defform staying roughly the same.

Here's a quick and dirty implementation of solution 3, note that if you intend 
to use this in production, you should try to make the match pattern a bit more 
robust (i.e. a bit more general, in several cases I assume single-element 
lists, and any change in the implementation of @defform is likely to break this 

#lang scribble/manual
@(require scribble/manual
@(define (defform-remove-empty-lines the-defform)
   (match the-defform
        before ...
        (nested-flow nf-style
                      (table t-style
                             (list other ...
                                    (table (style "specgrammar" tspec-style)
                                           (list lines ...)))
                                   more ...))))
        after ...))
      (define without-empty-lines
        ;; an empty lines is a sequence of five empty columns:
        (remove* (list
                   (paragraph (style #f '(omitable)) (element #f (list (element 
'tt '(nbsp)))))
                   (paragraph (style #f '(omitable)) (element #f (list (element 
'tt '(nbsp)))))
                   (paragraph (style #f '(omitable)) (element #f (list (element 
'tt '(nbsp)))))
                   (paragraph (style #f '(omitable)) (element #f (list (element 
'tt '(nbsp)))))
                   (paragraph (style #f '(omitable)) (element #f (list (element 
'tt '(nbsp)))))))
        (list (nested-flow nf-style
                            (table t-style
                                   (append other
                                           (list (list
                                                  (table (style "specgrammar" 

 @defform[(foo bar baz quux)
          #:grammar ([bar (code:line xxx)
                      (code:line yyy)]
                     [baz (code:line zzz)
                      (code:line ttt)]
                     [quux (code:line aaa)
                      (code:line bbb)])]{
  Blah blah lots of text.}]

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