It does look like a problem with `table-panel%`, which maybe doesn't
work when an instance is created in parent a window that is already

You may be able to work around the problem by adding

  [style '(deleted)]

to `(new table-panel% ...)`, and then

   (send tab-panel add-child table-panel)

after the `(initialize-widgets)` call.

At Sun, 23 Apr 2017 14:34:11 -0700 (PDT), Zelphir Kaltstahl wrote:
> I am creating a little hobby project with Racket GUI classes. For that I got 
> the following code, which creates a frame%:
> #lang racket/gui
> (require table-panel
>          "vocabulary.rkt")
> (provide build-gui)
> (define (clear-children an-area-container)
>   (for ([child (send an-area-container get-children)])
>     (send an-area-container delete-child child)))
> (define (build-gui)
>   ; Make a frame by instantiating the frame% class
>   (define frame (new frame%
>                      [label "Example"]
>                      [alignment (list 'center 'center)]
>                      [min-width 320]
>                      [min-height 240]))
>   (define tab-panel (new tab-panel%
>                          [parent frame]
>                          [choices (map (lambda (voc) 
> (get-vocabulary-identifier voc))
>                                        VOCABULARY)]
>                          [callback
>                           (lambda (widget event)
>                             (let* ([tab-selection-index (send tab-panel
>                                                               get-selection)]
>                                    [tab-label (send tab-panel
>                                                     get-item-label
>                                                     tab-selection-index)])
>                               (set-tab-panel-content tab-panel tab-label)))]))
>   (define (set-tab-panel-content a-tab-panel a-label)
>     (clear-children a-tab-panel)
>     (define progress
>       (exact-floor
>        (* 100
>           (get-vocabulary-learn-progress
>            (first (get-vocabularies-by-identifier a-label))))))
>     (define progress-gauge
>       (new gauge%
>            [label (string-append "Progress (" (number->string (/ progress 
> 100.0)) "%): ")]
>            [range 10000]
>            [parent a-tab-panel]
>            [min-width 100]))
>     (define table-panel
>       (new table-panel%
>           [parent tab-panel]
>           [alignment '(center center)]
>           [dimensions '(4 2)]))
>     (define (initialize-widgets)
>       (send progress-gauge set-value progress)
>       (for ((i (in-range 4)))
>         (let ([child-table (new table-panel%
>                                 [parent table-panel]
>                                 [style '(border)]
>                                 [dimensions (list 4 3)]
>                                 [column-stretchability (if (memq i '(0 1)) #t 
> #f)]
>                                 [row-stretchability (if (memq i '(0 2)) #t 
> #f)])])
>           (for ([label-string (list "1" "2" "3"
>                                     "4" "5" "6"
>                                     "7" "8" "9"
>                                     "*" "0" "#")])
>             (new button%
>                  [parent child-table]
>                  [label label-string]
>                  [stretchable-width #t]
>                  [stretchable-height #t]
>                  [callback
>                   (lambda (button event)
>                     (displayln (send button get-label)))])))))
>     (initialize-widgets))
>   (define (set-initial-gui-state)
>     (set-tab-panel-content tab-panel
>                            (send tab-panel get-item-label 0)))
>   ;; initialize things
>   (set-initial-gui-state)
>   ;; return the frame
>   frame)
> When I `show` this frame using:
> (send frame show true)
> It at first renders the table-panel fine, but when I switch the tabs in the 
> tab-panel, I get weird errors:
> compute-sizes: undefined;
>  cannot use field before initialization
>   context...:
>    /home/xiaolong/.racket/6.8/pkgs/table-panel/main.rkt:340:4: container-size 
> method in table-panel%
>    /usr/share/racket/collects/racket/private/more-scheme.rkt:148:2: 
> call-with-break-parameterization
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxcontainer.rkt:20:31: 
> get-graphical-min-size method in ...vate/wxcontainer.rkt:13:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxpanel.rkt:347:8: 
> get-min-size 
> method in .../private/wxpanel.rkt:71:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxitem.rkt:155:10: get-info 
> method in ...d/private/wxitem.rkt:34:6
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxpanel.rkt:255:8: 
> get-children-info method in .../private/wxpanel.rkt:71:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxcontainer.rkt:20:31: 
> get-graphical-min-size method in ...vate/wxcontainer.rkt:13:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxpanel.rkt:347:8: 
> get-min-size 
> method in .../private/wxpanel.rkt:71:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxitem.rkt:155:10: get-info 
> method in ...d/private/wxitem.rkt:34:6
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxpanel.rkt:255:8: 
> get-children-info method in .../private/wxpanel.rkt:71:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxpanel.rkt:287:8: 
> do-graphical-size method in .../private/wxpanel.rkt:71:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxpanel.rkt:347:8: 
> get-min-size 
> method in .../private/wxpanel.rkt:71:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxitem.rkt:155:10: get-info 
> method in ...d/private/wxitem.rkt:34:6
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxpanel.rkt:255:8: 
> get-children-info method in .../private/wxpanel.rkt:71:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxpanel.rkt:287:8: 
> do-graphical-size method in .../private/wxpanel.rkt:71:4
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/gui-lib/mred/private/wxpanel.rkt:347:8: 
> get-min-size 
> method in .../private/wxpanel.rkt:71:4
>    ...
> Is this a bug in the table-panel% ? If it is in my code, what is causing 
> this? 
> Can you help me out? I can also consider alternatives to the table-panel%, 
> which might work.
> -- 
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