On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 9:46 PM, Philip McGrath <phi...@philipmcgrath.com>

> Another thing that might be relevant:
>> In contrast, direct assignment to a parameter (by calling the parameter
>> procedure with a value) changes the value in a thread cell, and therefore
>> changes the setting only for the current thread. http://docs.racket-
>> lang.org/reference/parameters.html
> Also, do you want multiple underlying connections of the same virtual
> connection to potentially use different values for the
> user/database/password/port?

Nope, a given dbh should only be connected to one DB.

> If not, the most recent way I've dealt with this sort of thing is to come
> up with some type of "database connection spec" — for a quick example, I'll
> use a hash table — and then do some things with parameter guards, opaque
> structures, and a tiny macro to keep the details away from higher-level
> code.
> I think code might be clearer than a description, so here's a minimal
> sketch:
I admit that I had to stare at this for a few minutes and look up some
details (e.g. how hash/dc works), but when it clicked my reaction was
"Racket. Is. Epic."

Thank you for this; it's exactly what I needed and I'll definitely use it.
Two questions:

1) This line was intended to reference (current-database-handle), not
(current-database), right?
    [_ (force (database-handle-promise (current-database)))]))

2) We're already using hashes for data passing in a lot of areas because
(a) they are really convenient and (b) my co-founder and I both come from
Perl backgrounds.  In this particular case, though, it seems like maybe I
should define a struct for the database spec instead of a hash, as hash/dc
validates the keys and values that happen to exist in the hash, as opposed
to validating that the hash has a given set of keys/values.  Does this make
sense or am I overcomplicating things?


NB:  I'm glad you used hashes for the demo, though, as it was much easier
to follow and introduced me to the hash/dc contract.

#lang racket
> (require db
>          )
> (struct database-handle (promise))
> (define database-spec/c
>   (or/c database-handle?
>         (hash/dc [k (or/c 'user 'database 'password 'port)]
>                  [v (k)
>                     (case k
>                       [(user database password)
>                        string?]
>                       [(port)
>                        natural-number/c]
>                       [else none/c])])))
> (define default-database-spec
>   #hasheq([user . "postgres"]
>           [database . "test-db"]
>           [password . "mellon"]
>           [port . 5433]))
> (define/contract current-database-handle
>   (parameter/c database-spec/c database-handle?)
>   (let ([initialize
>          (λ (spec)
>            (if (database-handle? spec)
>                spec
>                (let ([u (hash-ref spec 'user)]
>                      [d (hash-ref spec 'database)]
>                      [p (hash-ref spec 'password)]
>                      [prt (hash-ref spec 'port)])
>                  (database-handle
>                   (delay (virtual-connection
>                           (connection-pool
>                            (λ ()
>                              (postgresql-connect
>                               #:user u
>                               #:database d
>                               #:password p
>                               #:port prt
>                               )))))))))])
>     (make-parameter (initialize default-database-spec)
>                     initialize)))
> (define-syntax db
>   (syntax-id-rules ()
>     [_ (force (database-handle-promise (current-database)))]))
> (provide database-handle? ;keep constructor & accessor private
>          database-spec/c
>          current-database-handle
>          db
>          )
> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 7:19 PM, David Storrs <david.sto...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 4:43 PM, Scott Moore <sc...@thinkmoore.net>
>> wrote:
>>> Parameters are thread local, and from reading the docs of
>>> virtual-connection and connection-pool, I think they create new threads to
>>> handle the connections. These threads are probably created before you
>>> parameterize, and thus see the original values.
>>> Try replacing the virtual-connection stuff with a single call to
>>> do-connect, and see if that works. (Obviously not the real fix, but may
>>> help identify the error).
>> This was exactly it.  Thanks, Scott.
>> Now I just need to figure out how to work around it.
>>> On Apr 24, 2017, 4:35 PM -0400, David Storrs <david.sto...@gmail.com>,
>>> wrote:
>>> I'm finding parameters confusing and was hoping someone could explain
>>> them for me.  The following is a simplified version of our production code;
>>> I'm expecting it to fail but it does not.  What am I not understanding?
>>> The sequence goes:
>>> *) db.conf creates and provides some parameters (db username, db
>>> password, db name, db port) and a function for creating database
>>> connections using those parameters
>>> *) dbstuff.rkt requires db.conf, re-provides the parameters from
>>> db.conf, and also provides a wrapper around the db connector from db.conf
>>> *) bar.rkt parses the command line, uses that command line data to set
>>> the parameters that were imported from db.conf by way of dbstuff.rkt and
>>> makes a DB call
>>> *) I run bar.rkt from the command line with an invalid username for the
>>> database, expecting it to fail to connect, but it works fine???
>>> My first guess was that since I was using the parameters as default
>>> values perhaps they were being evaluated at compile time instead of
>>> runtime.  I tried changing the default value to #f and then doing (or u
>>> (db-user)) in the body of the function, but that had no effect.
>>> I am utterly baffled at this point.  Any help would be much appreciated.
>>> ################################# file: "db.conf"
>>> #lang racket
>>> (require db)
>>> (define db-user     (make-parameter "postgres"))
>>> (define db-name     (make-parameter "test-db"))
>>> (define db-password (make-parameter "mellon"))
>>> (define db-port-num (make-parameter 5433))
>>> (define (do-connect #:u [u (db-user)]
>>>                     #:d [d (db-name)]
>>>                     #:p [p (db-password)]
>>>                     #:prt [prt (db-port-num)])
>>>   (println (~a "In db.conf db-user: " (db-user)))
>>>   (println (~a "db-name: " (db-name)))
>>>   (println (~a "db-password: " (db-password)))
>>>   (println (~a "db-port: " (db-port-num)))
>>>   (postgresql-connect #:user     u
>>>                       #:database d
>>>                       #:password p
>>>                       #:port     prt
>>>                       ))
>>> (define dbh (virtual-connection
>>>              (connection-pool
>>>               do-connect)))
>>> (define (make-connect)
>>>   dbh)
>>> (provide (all-defined-out))
>>> ################################# file: "dbstuff.rkt"
>>> #lang racket
>>> (require db)
>>> (require "db.conf")
>>> (define/contract (dbh)
>>>   (-> connection?)
>>>   (make-connect))
>>> (provide (all-defined-out)
>>>          (all-from-out db)
>>>          (all-from-out "db.conf"))
>>> ################################# file: "bar.rkt"
>>> #lang racket
>>> (require "dbstuff.rkt")
>>> (command-line
>>>  #:program "db demo"
>>>  #:once-each
>>>  [("--db-user") dbu "Username for database handles"
>>>   (db-user dbu)]
>>>  )
>>> (println (~a "In bar: db user: " (db-user)))
>>> (query-value (dbh) "select 'this should not have worked'")
>>> ################################# command line:
>>> $ racket bar.rkt --db-user invalid_user
>>> "In bar: db user: invalid_user"
>>> "In db.conf db-user: postgres"
>>> "db-name: test-db"
>>> "db-password: mellon"
>>> "db-port: 5433"
>>> "this should not have worked"
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