In lambda calculus, the function is the only datatype, so it would be useful to 
see the body of a function when it is returned in some expression in the repl 
(so you can see what number was returned or some other encoding).  I have got 
this working by making a language where the reader turns the file into a list 
and #%module-begin just prints the result of applying an eval function that 
works with lists to the list from the reader.  This works quite well:

> x
> ((lambda (x) (lambda (y) x)) f)
(function (lambda (y) x) ((x f)))

but I was thinking of including some things like a non-recursive define and 
provide and require, but the current list based system I have right now won't 
work.  Is there any way that I could have racket print its own lambdas like 
mine above?  Or is there any way to achieve the same effect (the effect being 
able to print lambdas like above and use define require and provide).  I 
attached the expander of the list based lambda calculus if you want to look at 

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Description: Binary data

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