I'm trying to use a assign a keypress to toggle the display of the border of an 
embedded editor-snip. Currently pressing the toggle key only toggles the border 
of the topmost snip, whereas I want to toggle the border most local to the 
current caret:


#lang racket
(require racket/gui/base)

; setup frame
(define my-frame (new frame% [label "fructure"]
                      [width 400]
                      [height 400]))
(define my-canvas (new editor-canvas% [parent my-frame]))
(define my-board (new text%))
(send my-canvas
      set-editor my-board)
(send my-frame show #t)

; override on-char to add a border toggle key
(define my-editor-snip% (class editor-snip% (super-new)
                          (define/override (on-char dc x y edx edy event)
                            (let ([key-code (send event get-key-code)])
                              (match key-code
                                ['release void]
                                [#\e (send this show-border (not (send this 
                              #;(super on-char dc x y edx edy event)))))
; uncommenting duper call makes whole hierarchy toggle

; make embedded editor
(define sub-board1 (new text%))
(define sub-board1-editor-snip (make-object my-editor-snip% sub-board1))
(send sub-board1 insert "sb1")
(send my-board insert sub-board1-editor-snip)

; make doubly embedded editor
(define sub-board1-1 (new text%))
(define sub-board1-1-editor-snip (make-object my-editor-snip% sub-board1-1))
(send sub-board1-1 insert "sb1-1")
(send sub-board1 insert sub-board1-1-editor-snip)

; set caret focus to doubly embedded editor
(send sub-board1 set-caret-owner sub-board1-1-editor-snip 'global)

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