> On Jul 4, 2017, at 1:39 PM, reilithion <reilith...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd like to be able to get source location information from behind two or 
> more layers of macros.
> Unfortunately, the srcloc that gets stored ends up being the location of the 
> simplifying macro. Not what I want. I need to somehow forward the srcloc of 
> its use-location. 

You can stash the original caller `stx` as a syntax property, which is a 
convenient way of passing "secret" arguments between macros:

#lang racket 
(require "a.rkt" "b.rkt") 
(getloc (simple-data unlucky 262)) 

#lang racket 
(provide simple-data) 
(require "a.rkt") 
(define-syntax (simple-data stx) 
  (syntax-case stx () 
    [(_ name x) 
     (syntax-property #'(mk-data 'name x 42) 'caller-stx stx)])) 

#lang racket 
(provide mk-data getloc) 
(struct data-internal 
  (name x y srcloc) 
  #:guard (λ (n x y srcloc struct-name) 
            (unless (real? x) 
              (raise-argument-error 'data-internal "real?" x)) 
            (unless (real? y) 
              (raise-argument-error 'data-internal "real?" y)) 
            (values n x y srcloc))) 
(define-syntax (mk-data stx) 
  (syntax-case stx () 
    [(_ name x y)
     (let ([stx (or (syntax-property stx 'caller-stx) stx)])
       #`(data-internal name x y (srcloc #,(syntax-source stx) 
                                         #,(syntax-line stx) 
                                         #,(syntax-column stx) 
                                         #,(syntax-position stx) 
                                         #,(syntax-span stx))))])) 
(define (getloc d) (srcloc->string (data-internal-srcloc d))) 

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