On Aug 1, 2017, at 11:34, Jens Axel Søgaard <jensa...@soegaard.net> wrote:
> The binding information is attached a syntax object during expansion.
> In your example the #'(define x y) haven't gone through expansion,
> so you do not get what your expected result.
> However we can change your macro a little...

Ah, that clarifies everything. Thanks!

So, the example I quoted is actually from the docs on ~datum 
 and it seems pretty clear that it’s trying unsuccessfully to elicit different 
behaviors that show the difference between ~literal and ~datum. Based on the 
code you’ve provided, I think this would be a better illustration:

> (define-syntax (is-define? stx)
>   (syntax-parse stx
>     [(_is-define? id)
>      (syntax-parse #'id
>        [(~literal define) #''yes]
>        [(~datum   define) #''not-really]
>        [_                 #''not-even-close])]))
> (is-define? define)         ;; 'yes
> (let ([define 42])
>   (is-define? define))      ;; 'not-really
> (is-define? something-else) ;; 'not-even-close

I’ve submitted that as a PR on the doc file linked above. I hope you don’t mind 
my using your example in that way. It was very helpful.


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