On Sunday, August 6, 2017 at 2:49:59 PM UTC-7, Cecil McGregor wrote:
> I've run the Quickstart and find some problems when
> I start adding minor forms.
> The QuickStart is at https://docs.racket-lang.org/mongodb/Quickstart.html
> Here is the QuickStart code:
> #lang racket
> (require db/mongodb)
> (define m (create-mongo))
> (define d (make-mongo-db m "awesome-dot-com"))
> (current-mongo-db d)
> (define-mongo-struct post "posts"
>   ([title #:required]
>    [body #:required]
>    [tags #:set-add #:pull]
>    [comments #:push #:pull]
>    [views #:inc]))
> (define p
>   (make-post #:title "Welcome to my blog"
>              #:body "This is my first entry, yay!"))
> (set-add-post-tags! p 'awesome)
> (inc-post-views! p)
> (set-post-comments! p (list "Can't wait!" "Another blog?"))
> (post-comments p)
> The output is as expected as well as the db validity:
> (This was performed after  running db.dropDatabase() )
> Welcome to DrRacket, version 6.9 [3m].
> Language: racket, with debugging.
> '#("Can't wait!" "Another blog?")
> > (mongo-db? d)
> #t
> > (mongo-db-collections d)
> '()            <== Should show "posts" as a collection
> > 
> > (mongo-db-valid-collection? d "posts")
> #t             <== Internally it know "posts" exists
> The mongo-db-collection should definitely show "posts"
> as a collection. Running the mongo shell shows post:
> use awesome-dot-com
> switched to db awesome-dot-com
> awesome-dot-com> show collections
> posts            <=== As expected
> A few other calls don't quite seem to work either.
> My question:
> This code is old and written for Mongo 1.3. 
> Does it work with the current 3.2.15 version?
> (Apparently not. Am I wasting my time or should I be
> prepared to  start hacking an upgrade?)
> Is anyone using this 2011 code?
> Does better documentation exist anywhere? (I can't find it
> and I confess the current docs leave much to be desired.)
> What are other people using for a NoSQL racket experience?

Thanks Jay. I started testing this code out and ran
into the stated problem. I noticed the code was 2011
and was obviously wondering if I was wasting my time.

Based on your responses, I'll devote some more time
to this as well as posting my findings. I'll include
examples to ease anyone else wishing to use this package.

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