hiph...@openmailbox.org wrote on 08/22/2017 05:29 PM:
So far it looks good, but I am stuck on macros. There is a hash table which serves as a specification for which functions to generate, it is stored in the file 'nvim/api/specification.rkt'. This table has the key" functions" which contains a vector of more hash tables.

You *can* go from hashes at syntax expansion time to syntax, but, in this case, I think there are ways that are more idiomatic and (once you're comfortable with syntax extension) easier...

If you define a kind of domain-specific language (DSL) syntax extension in Racket for your Neovim API, your specification might then look like this (with the "..." filled in):

  (version ...)
  (error-types ...)
  (types ...)
  (functions ...)
  (ui-events ...))


  #:version ...
  #:error-types ...
  #:types ...)
  #:functions ...
  #:ui-events ...)

Then you implement your `define-and-provide-neovim-api` syntax transformer using `syntax-case` or `syntax-parse`. (When you're implementing this, it sometimes (not always) helps to type an example use of your syntax, then type an example of what syntax you would like that to expand to, and then rework those two examples into your `syntax-case` or `syntax-parse` form.)

Or, a somewhat different way is to have separate definition forms in Racket for each element of the API, such as:

(define neovim-foo (neovim-api-lambda ...))
(provide neovim-foo)


(define-and-provide-neovim-procedure neovim-foo ...)

BTW, consider making the `require` name be simply `neovim` or `nvim`, not `neovim/api` or `nvim/api`. Or call the package `neovim-api`.

Also BTW, consider including the string "neovim" or "nvim" in the names of all provided identifiers of your API package, such as `neovim-command` instead of `command`. (For example, I included "roomba" in every name in "http://www.neilvandyke.org/racket/roomba/";.) This is not a rule, just something to consider. Personally, I would probably make it `neovim-command` in the API library that can be used from `#lang racket`, and then, someday, I have the option of making a `#lang neovim` that (among doing other things) provides that procedure simply as `command` rather than `neovim-command`.

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