It is fairly easy to create a let-immutable form yourself

(define-for-syntax (immutable-variable-transformer new-id)
   (λ (stx)
     (syntax-case stx (set!)
       [(set! x rhs)
        (raise-syntax-error #f "cannot mutate immutable variable" stx)]
       [(e ...)
        (with-syntax ([ap (datum->syntax stx '#%app)])
          #'(ap e ...))]
       [x new-id]))))

(define-syntax (let-immutable stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ ([x e] ...) body ...)
     #'(let ([x e] ...)
         (let-syntax ([x (immutable-variable-transformer #'x)] ...)
           body ...))]))

On Sunday, November 5, 2017 at 5:15:24 AM UTC-5, Tony Garnock-Jones wrote:
> Would it make sense to have a `let-immutable` form that was just like 
> `let` but that forbade use of `set!` with introduced variables? 
> I'm thinking it could be handy for authors of libraries that introduce a 
> lot of bindings in DSLs where mutability has to be strictly controlled. 
> I think it is probably possible to get the effect of `let-immutable` 
> with careful use of identifier macros, but would there be advantages 
> internal to the compiler/runtime of being able to up-front, primitively 
> declare a set of bindings as immutable? 
> Tony 

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