TR doesn’t really do exhaustiveness checking, really, … except sorta. I’m 
mostly just writing this to summarize my thinking and to see if there’s 
something obvious I’m missing.

I spent some time this morning debugging code that looked something like this:

#lang typed/racket

(define-type Format (U 'fmt-a 'fmt-b 'fmt-c))

(define (process-num [a : Number] [f : Format]) : Number
  (match f
    ['fmt-a (+ a 1)]
    ['fnt-b (* a 2)]
    [_ (+ a 1234)]))

(process-num 2431 'fmt-b)

The problem is that the call winds up in the third case rather than the second, 
because I’ve misspelled ‘fmt-b’ in the second clause of the match.

I figured out the bug, of course, but then I had a moment of mild panic, 
because that bug lived in the bin in my brain labeled “don’t worry, TR will 
catch this kind of problem.” And, of course, that’s not true; TR is perfectly 
happy to allow equality checks between elements of type Format and Symbol, 
because *Racket* is perfectly happy to allow these comparisons, and that’s kind 
of the whole point of TR.

My thought process:

1) I looked for a “dead code” indication in TR, and the closest I could get was 
hovering over the dead code for a tooltip.  Currently, it appears that the 
tooltip for dead code is… well, there is no tooltip.  Maybe it would be a good 
idea for the tooltip for dead code to signal “unreachable code” somehow? 

2) I looked for a “dead code” indication in the Optimization 
coach…unfortunately, I couldn’t figure out how to get the Optimization Coach to 
signal dead code. Is it in there? I couldn’t find it.

So then I started trying to figure out if I could code differently in order to 
get around this.

3) Clearly the wildcard match is a problem; if I want TR to tell me something 
about not being able to match, I’ve got to let TR know that falling off the end 
is possible. So I can change the third pattern to ‘fmt-c’. Unfortunately, I now 
discover that the very thing I *like* about match—namely, the fact that it 
signals an error for no match—is going to kill the TR checking of this, because 
of course errors don’t return, so the presence of the error *helps* the code to 

4) Instead, I can use a conditional, or a case. This is fragile, because I’ll 
only get a type error if Void isn’t in the stated return type. My recollection 
is that there’s an expression which has the type “Nothing”, but I can’t 
remember what it is… and I can't seem to find it in the docs.  

So, at the end of the day, if I want to get exhaustiveness checking for things 
like this, it looks like my best practice is: a) use a case expression, and b) 
mentally check that ‘void’ is not in the return type.  Does this sound right?


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