
I am trying to wrap some logging procedures into macros. I have a logger
for my application which I define as:

(define-logger sap)

Then I want to define a macro that possibly receives an extra argument
which is the part of the application that's issuing the logging message.

So, if logging from parser, the message would be something like:
sap:parser: msg...

So, I have:
(define-syntax (lt/log stx)
  (syntax-case stx (quote)
    [(_ (quote component) (quote level) msg v ...)
     (with-syntax ([name (datum->syntax stx
                                       (format "log-sap-~a" (quote
(syntax->datum #'level))))])
       #'(name (format (string-append (symbol->string (quote component))
                                      ": "
                       v ...)))]
    [(_ (quote level) msg v ...)
     (with-syntax ([name (datum->syntax stx
                                       (format "log-sap-~a" (quote
(syntax->datum #'level))))])
       #'(name (format msg v ...)))]))

The reason I am using (quote component) and (quote level) in the
template is because if I don't, then I get all sorts of issues with
messages being matched to the wrong syntax case template.

On the other hand, with this kind of macro the with-syntax doesn't seem
to be working so well when doing (format "log-sap-~a" (quote
(syntax->datum #'level))) because of the whole mess I created in the
template with the quote.

How can I properly write this macro such that it's properly matching the

kind regards,
Paulo Matos

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