Get-size should work, can you provide a example that illustrates the 

The only tricky bit is that the actual size of a widget is only computed 
after it is shown.  Here is an example:

    #lang racket
    (require racket/gui)
    (define toplevel (new frame% [label "hello"] [width 200] [height 200]))
    (define p (new panel% [parent toplevel] [min-width 100] [min-height 
    (define-values (w h) (send p get-size))
    (printf "Before show: w = ~a, h = ~a~%" w h)
    (send toplevel show #t)
    (define-values (w1 h1) (send p get-size))
    (printf "After show: w = ~a, h = ~a~%" w1 h1)

This prints out:

    Before show: w = 0, h = 0
    After show: w = 184, h = 161

You can also override the "on-size" method on the panel% class to be 
notified of size changes as they happen.

Best Regards,

On Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 12:01:39 PM UTC+8, David Alkire wrote:
> Is it possible to get the current size (width and height) of a panel% from 
> racket/guilty? I haven't been able to figure out a way. I set a min-width 
> and min-height in my panel and allow them to be stretchable. If they do 
> stretch, I want to be able to know their current size. Sending get-size or 
> get-width to the panel gives me 1 instead of my min-width of 200, for 
> example. I get 200 if I send min-width, but I want to be sure I can react 
> to changes in size appropriately.
> Any help is appreciated.
> Thanks,
> David

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