I've written an experimental macro `structure` that tries to make it
convenient to write custom wrappers for the constructor and the match
expander that use the name of the struct:
If you're interested in doing something like that as a one-off, the
implementation is here
Basically the approach is to use #:name and #:constructor-name to avoid
binding the name of the struct (which is still used for printing and error
reporting), define the actual constructor wrapper function you want, then
to define-syntax the name of the struct to a compile-time data structure
implementing prop:procedure, prop:struct-info, and prop:match-expander
(unless you want the default match behavior). That sounds a little more
complicated than it is: here's an example that doesn't override the default
match behavior.

#lang racket

(require (for-syntax racket/struct-info

  (struct info-record (info macro)
    #:property prop:procedure (struct-field-index macro)
    #:property prop:struct-info (λ (this) (info-record-info this))))

(struct foo (A B C)
  #:name foo-transformer
  #:constructor-name raw-make-foo)

(define (make-foo A B)
  (raw-make-foo A B (+ A B)))

(define-syntax foo
   (extract-struct-info (syntax-local-value #'foo-transformer))
   (make-variable-like-transformer #'make-foo)))

All of that said, in practice, I haven't found myself reaching for my
`structure` macro as frequently as I expected to when I wrote it. Most of
the cases seem to fall into one of two categories. If I'm writing a trivial
script, I usually find it sufficient to follow the convention of writing a
constructor wrapper named `make-foo`. On the other hand, in a larger
project, it becomes reasonable to use the module system to manage renaming
and encapsulation, and typically I have a bunch of data-structures that I
want to handle in a consistent, project-specific way.


On Sat, Mar 10, 2018 at 1:19 AM, Milo Turner <iital...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You can also set! the extra constructor
> #lang racket
> (struct foo [a b c]
>   #:extra-constructor-name -foo
>   #:transparent)
> (define ((foo* make-foo) a b)
>   (make-foo a b (+ a b)))
> (set! -foo (foo* -foo))
> (foo 1 2) ; -> (foo 1 2 3)
> (match (foo 1 2)
>   [(foo _ _ c) c]) ; -> 3
> However I usually just provide a custom make-X function as the only
> constructor. If you're hiding initialization details through the
> constructor it seems a bit
> odd to not hide these details in the match expander. So if you really want
> full encapsulation you should write the match expander as well. But in
> practice
> that's usually overkill.
> On Friday, March 9, 2018 at 10:24:00 PM UTC-5, Jon Zeppieri wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 9, 2018 at 9:35 PM, Kevin Forchione <lys...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Is it possible to initialize a struct field based on values from
>>> previously defined fields? Something equivalent to let* where
>>>         >(struct foo (A B C))
>>>         >(foo 1 2) would produce (foo 1 2 3) for example?
>>> As far as I know, the only way to do this is to write your own function
>> that calls the struct constructor. You can do this in a module, and only
>> export your constructor, instead of the default struct constructor.
>> If you want the constructor and the match expander to use the same
>> identifier, then you need to do a bit more work.  For example:
>> ```
>> #lang racket/base
>> (require racket/match
>>          (for-syntax racket/base
>>                      syntax/transformer))
>> (struct foo* (A B C))
>> (define (foo a b)
>>   (foo* a b (+ a b)))
>> (define-match-expander $foo
>>   (syntax-rules ()
>>     [(foo a b c) (foo* a b c)])
>>   (make-variable-like-transformer #'foo))
>> (provide (rename-out [$foo foo]
>>                      [foo*-A foo-A]
>>                      [foo*-B foo-B]
>>                      [foo*-C foo-C])))
>> ```
>> Of course, even here, an instance will print as #<foo*>. You can
>> implement gen:custom-write to fix that.
>> There might be a better way to do this, but this is what I've used in the
>> past.
>> - Jon
>> --
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