To encourage discussion among people who are using Racket commercially (or interested in that topic), who might speak more candidly in a forum that's less-public than "racket-users"...

Some of us are trying out an unofficial "racket-money" email list that is not archived on the Web.  The idea is that, to see a post, you have to be subscribed at the time that the post is sent.  An expectation is that people will respect that discussion on the list is not to be quoted/posted/mirrored/etc. elsewhere.  We'll see.

If you want to subscribe, one way is to send a blank email to:

A human moderator will approve all subscribe requests that don't look like bots.  Posts to the list are NOT moderated, and we know that everyone will conduct ourselves in a constructive and inclusive manner (inclusive, except for bots -- down with bots!).

After you're subscribed, please feel encouraged to post to the list, introducing yourself.

(If you see I messed up anything in the error-prone Google Groups setup, or if you'd like to volunteer to be one of the moderators who approves subscription requests in a timely manner, please email me.)

(Small Print: Our stable of lawyers advise us that we can't guarantee that the list will be as private as we intend.  That said, our lawyers are an imposing bunch, as they sharpen their legal pads, in a manner just short of the legal threshold for menacingly, and I'm sure there won't be any need for unpleasantness.)

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