On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 5:36 PM, Matthew Butterick <m...@mbtype.com> wrote:

> FWIW as a fan of both `partition` and `group-by`, I think `multi-partition`
> is a misnomer. In math, a partition is any division of a set into
> nonintersecting subsets — maybe two pieces, maybe more. So coinages like
> `multi-partition` and `#:partitions` seem squishy. Also, whereas `partition`
> is essentially two `filter`s, your `multi-partition` works in terms of
> equivalence classes (which is the underlying idea of `group-by` too).

Fair enough from a math perspective.  I suspect the issue is that
'partition' is a heavily overloaded word; in math it has a particular
meaning as you describe, but in normal English it has over a dozen
meanings: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/partition

In particular:

partition, verb:  To divide into parts
partition, noun:  A part, division, or section

The function itself is named from the verb form and the #:partitions
keyword refers to the noun form.  I could have called it
#:num-partitions but that seemed like unnecessary extra characters.

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