There are a lot of examples here, so I'll try to offer a broad
description of what's going on.

1. Non-linear patterns with `...` do not have the non-linear behavior
that you'd want, and fixing this requires changing how `...` is
implemented quite drastically. That's why there's a warning. It's not
an error because some programs exist that rely on the (not right)

2. The unbound identifier problem is a bug.

3. `or` patterns indeed require that all of the disjuncts have the
same pattern variables.

4. `and` is indeed ordered, and you can rely on the ordering.

5. Being under `not` doesn't lift these restrictions, even though it
potentially could in some cases.

It may well be that the documentation can be clarified here, and I'd
be happy to take suggestions on how. And of course, 2 is a bug.


On Wed, Apr 25, 2018 at 4:54 PM, Greg Rosenblatt <> wrote:
> I'm confused by the behavior of pattern matching in some cases.  I'll
> discuss a few sets of examples involving segment patterns, then a mix of
> `and`, `or`, and `not` patterns.
> Here is a basic segment pattern matching the entire contents of a list:
>> (match '(1 2 3)
>      ((list x ...) `(result: ,x)))
> '(result: (1 2 3))
> Let's add a prefix to the scrutinized list, and match it with a separate
> pattern variable:
>> (match '((1 2 3) 1 2 3)
>      ((list w x ...) `(result: ,w ,x)))
> '(result: (1 2 3) (1 2 3))
> Now let's constrain the prefix to be the same as the matched segment:
>> (match '((1 2 3) 1 2 3)
>      ((list x x ...) `(result: ,x)))
> '(result: (1 2 3))
> Everything seems fine so far.  Let's make the segment pattern more
> interesting.
> This time, we'll have our segment pattern match elements that are lists of
> two elements:
>> (match '((a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
>      ((list (list k v) ...) `(result: ,k ,v)))
> '(result: (a b c) (1 2 3))
> We can add a prefix as before, corresponding to the first element of each
> two-element list in the remaining segment, and match it with a separate
> pattern variable:
>> (match '((a b c) (a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
>      ((list j (list k v) ...) `(result: ,j ,k ,v)))
> '(result: (a b c) (a b c) (1 2 3))
> So far so good.  Now let's try constraining the prefix to be the same as the
> first element of each two-element list in the segment pattern:
>> (match '((a b c) (a 1) (b 2) (c 3))
>      ((list k (list k v) ...) `(result: ,k ,v)))
> ; k113: unbound identifier;
> ;  also, no #%top syntax transformer is bound
> ;   in: k113
> ; [,bt for context]
> Something went wrong.  Is this behavior expected?  This error doesn't look
> like the kind you'd expect a user to see.
> Let's try another example with segment patterns:
>> (match '(1 2 3 : 1 2 3)
>      ((list x ... ': y ...) `(result: ,x ,y)))
> '(result: (1 2 3) (1 2 3))
> We're using : as a divider, allowing both the x and y segments to be
> non-empty.  In this case, they are bound to the same values.
> What happens if we try to constrain the two segments to be identical by
> repeating the variable?:
>> (match '(1 2 3 : 1 2 3)
>      ((list x ... ': x ...) `(result: ,x)))
> non-linear pattern used in `match` with ... at #<syntax:4:19 x> and
> #<syntax:4:10 x>
> '(result: (1 2 3))
> It looks like we got the right result (see the next example), but it looks
> like an error message was printed beforehand.  Is this message intended as a
> warning?  Should it actually be raising an error instead?  It almost looks
> like debug logging.
> Why might an error be the expected behavior?  It seems we get the right
> result only coincidentally.  If we remove the divider and use separate
> variables, we can see the greedy behavior of segment patterns:
>> (match '(1 2 3 1 2 3)
>      ((list x ... y ...) `(result: ,x ,y)))
> '(result: (1 2 3 1 2 3) ())
> When we try to constrain the segment by repeating the same variable, we get
> the printed warning followed by an unexpected result:
>> (match '(1 2 3 1 2 3)
>      ((list x ... x ...) `(result: ,x)))
> non-linear pattern used in `match` with ... at #<syntax:8:16 x> and
> #<syntax:8:10 x>
> '(result: (1 2 3 1 2 3))
> Is this greedy behavior expected even when the segment pattern variable is
> constrained in this way?  It seems like we should at least get an error.
> Moving on, here's an example using `and` and `not` that behaves reasonably:
>> (match (list 1 2 3)
>    ((and (list a _ _) (not (list _ a _))) `(result: ,a)))
> '(result: 1)
> We can see how the scrutinized list is being constrained to not repeat the
> same first two elements:
>> (match (list 1 1 3)
>      ((and (list a _ _) (not (list _ a _))) `(result: ,a)))
> ; match: no matching clause for '(1 1 3) [,bt for context]
> If we swap the order of the sub-patterns, expecting the same behavior as the
> first example, we get a surprise:
>> (match (list 1 2 3)
>      ((and (not (list _ a _)) (list a _ _)) `(result: ,a)))
> ; match: no matching clause for '(1 2 3) [,bt for context]
> It seems that the order of sub-patterns in an `and` pattern matters, and
> determines logical scoping of pattern variables.  In the first pattern, we
> are getting the behavior of the logical proposition:
> (exists (a)
>   (and (== VALUE (list a _ _)) (not (== VALUE (list _ a _)))))
> While in the second example, we seem to be getting the behavior of the
> logical proposition:
> (exists (a)
>   (and (== VALUE (list a _ _)) (not (exists (a) (== VALUE (list _ a _))))))
> Or, pushing the `not` inward slightly:
> (exists (a)
>   (and (== VALUE (list a _ _)) (forall (a) (not (== VALUE (list _ a _))))))
> Is this non-commutative behavior of `and` intended?
> Here's an example involving `and` and `or` that attempts to ensure that a
> three-element list either has identical first and second elements, or
> identical second and third elements:
>> (match (list 1 2 2)
>    ((and (list a b c) (or (list _ a _) (list _ _ b))) 'success))
> ; readline-input:2:47: match: variable not bound in all or patterns
> ;   at: b
> ;   in: (or (list _ a _) (list _ _ b))
> ; [,bt for context]
> Given the binding behavior we saw with `and` in the previous example, I
> figured this one would work, since we're just reusing the same pattern
> variables.  But instead we get an error about a variable not being bound in
> all `or` patterns.
> The documentation suggests something like this might be the case, "instances
> of an id in different or and not sub-patterns are independent. The binding
> for id is not available in other parts of the same pattern."
> But this seems inconsistent with the successful `(and ... (not ...))`
> example.  Why does that one work, but this one not?
> What makes this really perplexing is that a slightly different set of
> examples, where we make sure to mention the same pattern variables in each
> disjunct, does work, this time ensuring that the first element is repeated
> in at least one of the other two positions:
>> (match (list 1 2 3)
>      ((and (list a b c) (or (list _ a _) (list _ _ a))) 'success))
> ; match: no matching clause for '(1 2 3) [,bt for context]
>> (match (list 1 2 1)
>     ((and (list a b c) (or (list _ a _) (list _ _ a))) 'success))
> 'success
>> (match (list 1 1 3)
>      ((and (list a b c) (or (list _ a _) (list _ _ a))) 'success))
> 'success
> Here's an example involving `not` and `or` that ensures the scrutinized
> three-element list does not repeat consecutive elements:
>> (match (list 1 2 3)
>      ((not (or (list a a _) (list _ a a))) 'success))
> 'success
> If we change the pattern variable in the second disjunct, the intended
> logical meaning is the same, but the example breaks:
>> (match (list 1 2 3)
>      ((not (or (list a a _) (list _ b b))) 'success))
> ; readline-input:13:34: match: variable not bound in all or patterns
> ;   at: b
> ;   in: (or (list a a _) (list _ b b))
> ; [,bt for context]
> I can understand this behavior in the case of `or` appearing in a positive
> context (since otherwise we could introduce ambiguous bindings on the
> right-hand-side), but when negated, bindings for these pattern variables
> won't be available on the right-hand-side anyway.  Is this behavior intended
> for simplicity of implementation?
> --
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