Hello everyone,

Thanks for all the responses, they have been very clarifying.

I'd like to add the following for your consideration of using parameters.

When using the plot package, I really like to setup common parameters using 
parameterize and then tweak others using the named parameters in the 
function call,

such as:

(parameterize ([surface-color 'blue])
(plot3d (list (surface3d (λ (x y) (+ (sqr x) (sqr y))) -1 1 -1 1
                           #:label "z = x^2 + y^2")
                (surface3d (λ (x y) (- (+ (sqr x) (sqr y)))) -1 1 -1 1
                           #:line-color 4
                           #:label "z = -x^2 - y^2"))))

where surface-color is set for all, but line-color is modified in the 
second plot.

One thing that I believe adds friction to the usability is the fact that 
the name of the global parameter, surface-color for example,
is usually different to the named parameter in the function; for the case 
of surface3d, surface-color is mapped to #:color and in the case
of parametric3d line-color is also mapped to #:color.

This makes sense because the parameters are global, so the chances of 
colliding with a parameter from another package is high.

I wonder if an approach like the one used in Mathematica could work here, 
where it is possible to modify the defaults
of a function using SetOptions[fun, opt1->value ...], which would be 
equivalent to calling (parameter new-value), and then override that setting 
by calling fun[ params , opt1->value1 ...],
avoiding the use of a global parameter. I think the function along with its 
parameters could be stored in a struct, and then prop:procedure could be 
used to hide the fact that it's a struct.


On Friday, August 3, 2018 at 3:36:14 PM UTC-4, Alexis King wrote:
> Maybe this isn’t really a direct response to the direction this thread 
> has taken, but given the question proposed in the original message, I 
> think it’s relevant to share a particular design pattern for parameters 
> that seems to work well. In a number of different APIs provided by 
> Racket, a function’s behavior can be controlled by an optional argument 
> (often a keyword argument), and that argument’s default value is the 
> value of a parameter. For example, the eval function accepts an optional 
> namespace as its second argument, and if it isn’t supplied, it uses 
> (current-namespace). 
> From a user’s point of view, this is the best of both worlds, since they 
> can parameterize a set of function calls in a single parameterize block 
> without needing to thread an argument everywhere, taking advantage of 
> parameters’ capability for implicit configuration, but they can also 
> pass an argument directly if they’re only calling a function once or 
> twice. However, this *also* has benefits for implementors, since it 
> sidesteps the inability to close over the value of the current 
> parameterization since the value becomes entirely lexical when it is 
> bound to the formal argument of the function. 
> For a simple example, consider a contrived function configured by a 
> parameter: 
>   (define current-summand (make-parameter 0)) 
>   (define (make-adder) 
>     (lambda (n) (+ (current-summand) n))) 
> This is a silly function, but one can see how it is broken in the way 
> Alex describes (which he shows can happen in more realistic situations). 
> The intent is to close over the current value of (current-summand) when 
> make-adder is invoked, but a naïve implementation doesn’t capture the 
> current value and always produces the same function. Adjusting this 
> function that the summand is provided as an optional argument both 
> improves the user-facing API and fixes the bug: 
>   (define (make-adder [summand (current-summand)]) 
>     (lambda (n) (+ summand n))) 
> This also ensures that if a parameter-configured function defers to 
> other functions as part of its implementation, it will pass the value 
> lexically rather than dynamically by explicitly providing the optional 
> argument, so the dynamic configuration is effectively “terminated” at 
> the API boundary. 
> Now, this isn’t to say this technique doesn’t have some drawbacks. For 
> one, it means API users get to benefit from the dynamic configuration, 
> but API implementors do not, and in fact have to do extra work. 
> Furthermore, one might find the very existence of a “design pattern” in 
> Racket to be suspect, given we generally try to avoid boilerplate 
> patterns in favor of new linguistic abstractions. Maybe this hints at 
> some shortcoming in parameters that would be better solved by a new 
> language feature, but I can’t immediately come up with one. Perhaps 
> others have better ideas than I do in that department. 
> > On Aug 2, 2018, at 12:24, 'John Clements' via Racket Users 
> > <racket...@googlegroups.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > I hate to turn a little question into a big one, but… are parameters 
> > the right choice, here? It seems to me that optional parameters would 
> > be more suitable. 
> > 
> > Unfortunately, I’ve been on the other side of this fence, too: 
> > parameters are vastly more convenient for implementors than adding 
> > optional parameters to every one of the internal calls. This certainly 
> > came up for me in the construction of a CSV writing library. 
> > 
> > I can imagine a bunch of programming patterns that might assist this; 
> > the most obvious one would be an object-like metaphor where parameter 
> > values are represented as an object to which calls are made. Do others 
> > have ideas on a “best practice” for this situation and others like it? 
> > 
> > John 

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