On 8/3/2018 11:52 AM, Sanjeev Sharma wrote:
make a keyword useable as the parameter-expr in a parameterize expression. for example, If I need a similar #:unless cause for  a bunch of for expressions It's not a current issue, but would be good  to have in the toolbox for next time.

If I'm understanding correctly, then no.  You can make the keyword symbol a parameter:

      (define mykey (make-parameter (string->keyword "#:unless")))

but you can't use it AS a keyword in a define, and you can't you use it in a keyword position in a function call.

      (define (f (mykey) [k #f] )  ... )
      > ERR: (mykey) not an identifier

      (define (g #:unless [k #f] )  ... )
      (g (mykey) 42)
      > ERR: arity mismatch

You probably can do something using macros, but I am not sure how. I'm not aware of a way in Racket to make a keyword name variable, or to modify a function's keyword list at runtime [some languages can do this].

One thing you might do is define the functions to take a plist "rest" argument, use ordinary symbols for keywords, and parse the arguments from the list.  It's annoying to do for a lot of functions, but if you have many functions using the same keyword list, you can break out the key parsing into a separate function.


      (define (f x y . keys ) ... )
      (f 1 2)
      (f 1 2 'unless #t )


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