It's not urgent, but an item on my TODO list is to port Jonathan Rees'
W7 Security Kernel to Racket.  Basically this is an object capability
security system based on the lambda calculus (as Scheme).  Object
capability security is a security system which applies the principle of
least authority on a programming language level.  Jonathan Rees' paper
has a good explaination, and is as it turns out, my favorite paper of
all time:

Eventually I would like to write a multiplayer game in Racket where
users can write and execute code safely (well, as safely as our current
hardware permits given Meltdown/Spectre) to add game mechanics using the
W7 mechanisms (as well as Racket's tools to limit space/time execution).

In a sense, it would sound as if Racket's #lang support would be perfect
for this.  But in fact there is a problem with the #lang approach here:
while a #lang, once selected, can constrain the language features
available, the fact that one can select a #lang itself indicates that
doing "#lang w7" is not the right approach.  Racket's require/module
system also is not a good fit.  In W7 a module cannot "reach out" and
select what modules it *wants* to have access to... to restrict a module
in an object capability system, a module must instead be granted access
from the ancestor that instantiated it.

I have been trying to figure out how I would do this.  As far as I can
tell this would be the right approach:

 - Read in the code with read, which is probably safe enough (or a
   special reader could be written)

 - Use units to represent the W7 module system?  Units seem to have the
   right system of composition available.  The main problem seems to be
   that units inherit access to the environment they are defined
   within... how to read in and compile a unit with no access to its
   parent environment?  I guess the right answer is to make an empty

 - Alternately maybe the answer is to more manually do something with

PS: Rees posted the original Scheme48 W7 code here:

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