p.s. You could run using errortrace. Although the lambda inferred name
is still elided, the errortrace context should still have a useful
location, which M-x next-error can find if you do it a second time. As

racket -l errortrace -t
map: argument mismatch;
 the given procedure's expected number of arguments does not match
 the given number of lists
  given procedure: ...aaaaaaaaaaaa.rkt:10:7
  expected: 1
  given: 2
(map (lambda (x) (/ x 1)) (list 1 2 3) (list 1 2 3))
[running body]

p.p.s. There are still ways Racket can hide paths you might find
useful for Emac's next-error -- such as replacing a long path with
"<collects>" or "<pkgs>". In racket-mode for Emacs, I use a custom
error-display-handler to catch such lossy transforms and "undo" them:

Also in racket-mode, if you C-c C-c to racket-run and get an unhelpful
error context, you can C-u C-c C-c to rerun again with full errortrace
context.  (You can also set racket-error-level to 'high to run with
errortrace all the time; the gotcha is your program will run more

On Mon, Aug 13, 2018 at 1:25 AM Greg Hendershott
<greghendersh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > given procedure: ...amm-3.1/util.scm:58:6
> It seems you had something like `(map (lambda (x) x) (list 1 2 3)
> (list 1 2 3))` and the error message wants to show the name of the
> function.
> What is the name of an anonymous function?  That sounds like a Zen
> koan. But there is an automatically inferred name, using the source
> location:
>   https://docs.racket-lang.org/reference/syntax-model.html#(part._infernames)
> So `(object-name (lambda (x) x))` is something like
> `'/path/to/file.rkt:11:22`.  But it seems to be elided for
> /somewhat/long/pathname/for/file.rkt.
> How to avoid this? I suppose you could do (procedure-rename (lambda
> (x) x) 'shorter-name). But then you might as well just `define` a
> named function or bind the lambda to a value using `let`.

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