Hello all,

First crack at a module language and stuck on a "expected only a `module'
declaration; found an extra form" error. This is not a duplicate of this
question <https://stackoverflow.com/q/37952163/394397> since the error is
slightly different and the error reproduces in the REPL.

Here's my WIP implementation:

I'm not sure what I'm missing since my reader does provide a single module
declaration via the datums->module shown in the gist, and AFAIK I'm running
an implied module below.

What was my mistake? Apologies if I just went blind on a simple error.

#lang reader "racket-koans-lang.rkt"
(require rackunit)

(struct _____)
(struct _____)
(let ([p _____])
  (check-pred racketeer? p)
  (check-pred programmer? p)
  (check-pred struct? p)
  (check-pred procedure? set-programmer-salary!)
  (check-equal? (programmer-confusion-level p) 10)
  (check-equal? (racketeer-desire-for-racket-jobs p) 9001))

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