On 08/27/2018 02:13 PM, Philip McGrath wrote:
I am hoping for some help debugging a problem I'm having writing FFI bindings for libxml2.

I am trying to use the function `xmlValidateDtd`, which (predictably) validates an XML document against a DTD. To support error reporting, the first argument to the function is a pointer to an `xmlValidCtxt` struct (documented at http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-valid.html#xmlValidCtxt, though note that the last two fields are listed twice because whatever extracted the docs didn't understand a processor directive). My wrapper code needs to allocate the `xmlValidCtxt` (via `xmlNewValidCtxt`), set the first field to a `FILE*` for writing obtained via `fopen`, set the second and third fields to pointers to `fprintf`, and then call `xmlValidateDtd` with the instance. I have a little function in C that does this work: https://github.com/LiberalArtist/libxml2-ffi/blob/master/myvalidate.c

Of course, I want to write this in Racket, not C, but my attempt to do this via the FFI (https://github.com/LiberalArtist/libxml2-ffi/blob/master/segfault.rkt) causes a segfault. The problem is something in the way I'm initializing the `xmlValidCtxt` struct. If I run my Racket version with a valid document, so that the error reporting isn't used, it works just fine. Likewise, if I don't initialize the first three fields of the `xmlValidCtxt` struct, instead leaving them as null pointers, the default error behavior (writing to standard error) works, though it isn't useful for my purposes. The segfault only happens if I initialize the fields as described and a validation error actually tries to use the fields.

I've also confirmed that my C version works. If I compile it to a shared library and load it with the FFI, it works just as desired with both valid and invalid documents: https://github.com/LiberalArtist/libxml2-ffi/blob/master/use-my-so.rkt

I don't see anything different between my attempt to initialize the `xmlValidCtxt` struct from Racket and the way I'm doing it in C, but obviously there is some difference. Any debugging suggestions would be appreciated.

It works for me if I change the definition of `_fprintf-ptr` to this:

  (define _fprintf-ptr _fpointer)

The docs say that compared to `_pointer`, `_fpointer` skips a level of indirection on symbol lookups. (This also might explain a problem I had in the past getting the right value for a symbol whose value is an array of pointers to structs. IIRC, I got the pointer to the first struct instead.)


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