Here's I think a nicer version. I omitted the error checking and
renaming, and used a hash table mapping positions (starting from 0) to
values to be supplied for that argument. It's rather inefficient but
could be easily optimized.

#lang racket

(define (reduce-arity f h)
  (λ args
    (define h* (for/fold ([h h]) ([a args])
                (hash-set h (next-index h) a)))
    (define sorted (sort (hash-map h* cons) < #:key car))

    (apply f (map cdr sorted))))

(define (next-index h)
  (for/first ([i (in-naturals)] #:unless (hash-has-key? h i)) i))

(require rackunit)

(define f (λ (a b c d) (list a b c d)))
(define g (reduce-arity f (hash 0 1 2 3)))
(check-equal? (f 1 2 3 4) (g 2 4))
On Fri, Oct 12, 2018 at 10:50 AM Matthew Butterick <> wrote:
> I know about `curry` and `curryr`, of course. But is there a way to 
> accomplish arbitrary currying at run time (not just at the ends of the 
> argument list)? (Or is it called partial application?)
> Let's suppose we have `f`:
> (define f (λ (a b c d) (+ a b c d)))
> (f 1 2 3 4) ; 10
> And we want to reduce the arity of `f` by supplying 1 as the first arugment 
> and 3 as the third. Maybe we write this like so:
> (define g (reduce-arity f '(1 b 3 d)))
> Where the '(1 b 3 d) notation matches the arity of `f`, and denotes "use 1 
> for the first argument, 3 for the third argument, and then leave the other 
> two arguments alone." (This is not ideal notation because it precludes the 
> use of symbols as applied value, but let's leave that aside.)
> So `g` would end up as a 2-arity function:
> (define g (λ (b d) (f 1 b 3 d))
> (g 2 4) ; 10
> I came up with the idea below, but it seems brutal, even by my standards.
> #lang racket
> (require rackunit)
> (define (reduce-arity proc pattern)
>   (unless (= (length pattern) (procedure-arity proc))
>     (raise-argument-error 'reduce-arity (format "list of length ~a, same as 
> procedure arity" (procedure-arity proc)) pattern))
>   (define reduced-arity-name (string->symbol (format "reduced-arity-~a" 
> (object-name proc))))
>   (define-values (id-names vals) (partition symbol? pattern))
>   (define new-arity (length id-names))
>   (procedure-rename
>    (λ xs
>      (unless (= (length xs) new-arity)
>        (apply raise-arity-error reduced-arity-name new-arity xs))
>      (apply proc (for/fold ([acc empty]
>                             [xs xs]
>                             [vals vals]
>                             #:result (reverse acc))
>                            ([pat-item (in-list pattern)])
>                    (if (symbol? pat-item)
>                        (values (cons (car xs) acc) (cdr xs) vals)
>                        (values (cons (car vals) acc) xs (cdr vals))))))
>    reduced-arity-name))
> (define f (λ (a b c d) (+ a b c d)))
> (define g (reduce-arity f '(1 b 3 d)))
> (check-equal? (f 1 2 3 4) (g 2 4))
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