I suppose just putting in a hash isn't too bad. 

#lang racket
(require racket/generator rackunit)

(define/contract (make-cartesian-generator gens)
  ((listof generator?) . -> . generator?)
  (generator ()
             (define solcache (make-hasheqv))
             (let loop ([gens gens][genidx 0][sols empty])
                 [(empty? gens) (yield (reverse sols))]
                  (match-define (cons gen rest) gens)
                    [(eq? (generator-state gen) 'done)
                     (for ([sol (in-list (reverse (hash-ref solcache genidx)))])
                       (loop rest (add1 genidx) (cons sol sols)))]
                     (for ([sol (in-producer gen (void))])
                       (hash-update! solcache genidx (λ (vals) (cons sol vals)) 
                       (loop rest (add1 genidx) (cons sol sols)))])]))))

(define g1 (generator () (yield 1) (yield 2) (void)))
(define g2 (generator () (yield 'a) (yield 'b) (void)))

 (for/list ([gs (in-producer (make-cartesian-generator (list g1 g2)) (void))])
 '((1 a) (1 b) (2 a) (2 b)))

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