Matthew Flatt writes:

> At Sun, 11 Nov 2018 13:55:32 -0500, Christopher Lemmer Webber wrote:
>> It struck me recently that I tend to think of parameters as O(1) when in
>> reality they're O(n), where n is the number of frames on the stack,
>> right? 
> No, parameter lookup is amoritzed O(1).
> Well, actually it's up to O(log N) for N parameters and distinct
> continuation-mark keys. But thinking of it as O(1) is normally
> justified, unless you create extremely many distinct parameters or
> extrmely many distinct continuation-mark keys.
>> Due to that reason, I figured the following code would absolutely trash
>> my computer:
>>  (let ([limit-param (make-parameter 1000000)])
>>    (let lp ([n 1])
>>      (if (= n (limit-param))
>>          '()
>>          (cons n
>>                (lp (add1 n)))))
>>    (void))    ; return void just to avoid printing that all out
>> Nope, runs almost instantaneously.
>> What's going on?  It's nice to see my computer *not* trashed, but now
>> I'm unsure about my understanding of how parameters work.
> A parameterization is stored in a continuation mark. If
> continuation-mark lookup has to traverse N continuation frames to find
> a value, then it stashes the result half-way at N/2 frames away, and so
> on.
> The stash and a parameterization are both implemented using immutable
> hash tables, so that's where the O(log N) part shows up.

Oh ok!  That's very helpful.  I thought it was actually walking back up
frames of the stack, but I see now that was a misconception.


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