Thanks! Very informative! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’š I have some more questions but I should
google them responsibly first๐Ÿ˜ฌโ˜บ๏ธ

On Mon, Nov 12, 2018 at 10:52 PM George Neuner <> wrote:

> On 11/12/2018 10:45 AM, Rudi C wrote:
> > How is mutual recursion via a loop any better than mutual recursion
> > just by tail call elimination?
> You can't necessarily turn recursion into a loop using only TCE.
> TCE turns an ordinary call/return sequence into a non-returning jump [or
> fall through for inline code] to the target function.  In the recursive
> it jumps back to the "start" of the function [for some definition of
> "start"].
> But there's a catch:  you can't just overwrite the current stack frame
> with your new one because, typically, you need information from the
> current frame *while* constructing the new one ... in particular, you
> need to evaluate the recursive call arguments.  So how much trouble TCE
> and TRO represent depend crucially on how you implement your stack.
> If you allocate the stack as a linked list on the heap, then there is
> little difference between a tail call and a normal one - in either case
> you allocate a new frame but a TC links the new frame to its grandparent
> instead of its parent, and the parent frame is unlinked and discarded.
> The downsides to this stack strategy are that stack frames come and go
> rapidly, and having to handle them puts more pressure on the garbage
> collector. Moreover using C (or other conventional language) libraries
> becomes more complicated if you aren't using the CPU's own hardware stack.
> If you implement your stack as an array [the classic mark/release
> allocation strategy] then you can use the CPU's hardware stack, but in
> this case a tail call is very different from a normal one.  The
> arguments to the call often can't be evaluated directly into the
> positions where the function code expects them to be, so you need
> additional memory to stage the evaluations before moving the resulting
> values into place.
> Additionally, to implement TRO with an array stack, you may need to
> generate ad hoc code to initialize the loop, and ad hoc code to update
> loop variables and reenter the loop as necessary.
> [There is a trick involving CPS code in which the CPU's hardware stack
> is abused by allocating frames but never deallocating them - iow calling
> functions but never returning from them.  When the stack grows to some
> predetermined extent, you copy the top frame back to the base of the
> stack and reset the stack pointer, effectively deallocating all the
> discarded stack frames at once.  This has many of the same benefits as
> allocating the stack on the heap, with the additional benefit that it
> mixes well with use of conventional libraries.  The problem is, it plays
> hell with fetch prediction mechanisms that expect conventional
> call/return code of rather limited depth - so code using this trick
> often executes more slowly than more conventional call/return code.]
> In a mutual recursion case, the transformation to a loop may subsume
> many functions, and there may be multiple branching recursive execution
> paths.  The analysis required to identify and fuse mutually recursive
> functions into one "super" function that can be made self recursive is
> possible, but in the general case it is very difficult to do.
> > PS: Why do web-servers need CPS?
> In general they don't.  However, being a Scheme, Racket supports
> arbitrary use of continuations, and the web-server framework allows the
> handler for a given URL to be the persisted continuation of another URL.
> Persisting a continuation involves saving the entire state of the
> ongoing computation - in particular, it means saving the call/return
> stack which is needed to continue executing from the save point. In CPS
> code, the stack state consists of just one frame - the current one -
> rather than an arbitrary number of frames.  So, in general, in CPS code
> a continuation requires far less memory to persist.
> That is why  #lang web-server  converts programs to CPS.  If your code
> doesn't make heavy use of *general* continuations (co-routines), or
> threads with continuations, or need to persist continuations for
> arbitrarily long periods, then using the web-server language buys you
> very little [in trade for much longer compilations].
> George

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