I'm a novice too, but here's my attempt to help.

> I'd like to use (define-syntax) to make lambda, #%app, etc. all expand 
> into terms in my model.

This works for me.  Is this what you want?

#lang racket/base

(require redex)

(define-language L
  (term ::=
        (TermLambda var term)
        (TermApp term term)))

(define-syntax-rule (lambda (x) b)
  (term (TermLambda x b)))

(default-language L)

(lambda (y) y)
;; => '(TermLambda y y)

(term (substitute ,(lambda (y) y) y z))
;; => '(TermLambda z z)


> But the problem I'm running into is that #%top-interaction applies (term) 
> to its argument, which means that  'lambda' and other macros get quoted and 
> not expanded.

I don't totally understand how #%top-interaction is relevant here. It only 
comes up when you use the REPL, and even then I think it shouldn't do 
something like that. What are you trying to do in the REPL? And can't you 
redefine #%top-interaction so that it doesn't do what you don't want it to 

> Is there a way to make sure that the macros are expanded *before* they are 
> passed to term, so that (term) receives valid syntax trees for my model, 
> instead of quoted lambdas and apps?

You can also just use the gist 
here: https://gist.github.com/lexi-lambda/65d69043023b519694f50dfca2dc7d33

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