Apologies if this is obvious, but have you checked to see whether some other 
process is already listening on port 443? On a Linux server, it looks to me 
like you should be able to see what processes are listening on what ports by 

sudo netstat -tulpn

Also, you don’t mention what the result of running on port 8000 is.



> On Jan 10, 2019, at 12:50, Don Green <infodeveloper...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I could use some help narrowing down this problem using plt-web-server:
> Context:
> I can successfully run all code described in: Continue: Web Applications in 
> Racket, Chapters 1 through 17.
> However, 'Chapter 18: Using HTTPS' where I run plt-web-server is giving me a 
> problem. 
> (I am using OS:Linux/Ubuntu 16.04).
> I suspect that I:
> (a) may be misusing plt-web-server; or 
> (b) have not actually installed my server-cert.pem properly even though 
> the verification operation indicates a successful installation:
> openssl verify -CApath /etc/ssl/certs server-cert.pem
> returns:
> server-cert.pem: OK
> ;or
> (c) may have some other problem. 
> ---------------------------------------------
> From: .../collects/DG/programs/processorX/URL/proc/proc-url/proc-url.ss
> When I run plt-web-server from a terminal, at a $ prompt, in my application 
> directory:
> $ plt-web-server --ssl
> I get the message:
> tcp-listen: listen failed
>   port number: 443
>   system error: Address already in use; errno=98
>   context...:
>    .../more-scheme.rkt:261:28
>    /usr/share/racket/pkgs/compatibility-lib/mzlib/kw.rkt:468:41: run-server
> Or
> When I run plt-web-server from a terminal, at a # prompt, in my application 
> directory:
> # plt-web-server --ssl
> I get no feedback, and eventually close the terminal.
> ---------------------------------------------
> Q. I believe the port: 443 is a root level port, therefor I suspect I am 
> expected to run plt-web-server as root.
>    That is the only reason I am trying to run it from a # prompt. 
>    I have also tried running: $plt-web-server -p 8000 --ssl
>    because I believe the 8000 port is not a root level port.
>    Comments?
> Q. Can I run 'plt-web-server --ssl' from a terminal opened to any directory 
> because it will, by default, refer to 
> .../default-web-root/configuration-table.rkt?  
> configuration-table.rkt contains line: (default-indices "index.html" 
> "index.htm"), so I'll be happy to see that file displayed in my firefox 
> browser.
> Q. Do I have to make a firefox-specific configuration regarding the 
> server-cert.pem file?
> Q. I understand how to run my application as a servlet using racket -t 
> <file.rkt>.
>    When I get one of these running properly:
>    $plt-web-server --ssl
>    or
>    $plt-web-server [-f <filename> -p <port> -a <ip-address> --ssl]
>    where do I specify <my-app-file.rkt>?  ...that I used when calling servlet 
> with 'racket -t <file.rkt>'.
>    Seems that plt-web-server only runs either the default 
> configuration-table.rkt or another configuration-table.rkt from
>    another location if I specify it in the -f <filename> argument.
> Thanks
> Don.
> -- 
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