It seems like it should be so simple, and like Racket has the tools
already, but I can't figure out how to do it.

I have the following:

  (serve/servlet start
                 #:servlet-regexp #rx""
                 #:launch-browser? #f)

I'd like to do something like the following:

  - Serve static files for urls matching /static/*
  - Serve those very files from the ./static/ directory

I'd expect I'd do something like combine that all with:

  (file-dispatch:make #:url->path (make-url->path
                                    (build-path cwd "static")))

But I'm lost.  I can figure out how to serve static files OR use the
controllers in my start function, but combining them....???  I'd like to
serve some static files *in addition* to my the above code.  Between
dispatchers and servlets and even the file serving dispatchers, I
thought I could figure out something relatively easy out of the box.
But hours later I'm still scratching my head about how to combine
servlets or dispatchers or what have you.

I've read a bunch of things:
 - and pretty much everything under

... but I can't figure out how to do it without reinventing all the
machinery that appears to already exist in Racket.  There must be
something obvious and simple right in front of me.

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