On 01/02/2019 15:23, Sam Tobin-Hochstadt wrote:
> This looks very cool. 


> Long long ago, I wrote something similar for
> other free software projects, and my one piece of advice is not to
> commit to writing really frequently. Every month, or even every few
> months, is great.

Wise words! :) Yes, initially I planned every second week but it might
end up being on the first of each month. We shall see... I certainly
think there are enough things going on to do it on a monthly basis.

A lot of the stuff can be automated and if I have people contributing
and I can automate that integration as well so that I act as a
hole-filler and editor, even better.


> Sam
> On Fri, Feb 1, 2019 at 6:40 AM 'Paulo Matos' via Racket Users
> <racket-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
>> A quick preamble: I have been thinking about creating something along
>> these lines for awhile but only just got my hands dirty. Here's the
>> first issue. Web page is a work in progress at racket-news.com.
>> I was thinking about publishing the text version (from raco scribble
>> --text) in here for each issue (I just noticed that the text export
>> doesn't export links so feel free to refer to the online version). If
>> you feel this shouldn't be posted to the mailing list, please let me know.
>> Also, this effort is only worth it IF the community thinks there's
>> something to gain from this. Please feel free to comment, suggest or
>> tell me it's a waste of time. I am not going to widely publicize this
>> until I nail the webpage and people think it's worth it.
>> So, here we go...
>> Web version: http://racket-news.com/2019/02/racket-news-issue-1.html
>> Title: Racket News - Issue 1 Date: 2019-02-01T08:00:00
>> Welcome to the first issue of Racket News. I am hoping this will be of
>> interest to everyone in the Racket community so if there’s something you
>> really dislike, or something you want to see added to the newsletter
>> please send me an email or submit a PR.
>> Also, I think at the moment a bi-weekly or monthly newsletter is
>> something reasonable. By this I mean that I should have time to put it
>> together at this regular interval with enough interesting content. If
>> things happen differently when I will change how often it comes out.
>> In this issue we have the Racket 7.2 release, update on RacketCS, and a
>> few extra goodies that came out recently.
>> What’s New?
>> Racket 7.2 released
>> Racket 7.2 has been released! Vincent St-Amour has announced the release
>> on January 30, 2019. The listed improvements include collapsible
>> contracts, QuickScript integration, and various improvements to racklog,
>> among others.
>> RacketCS
>> This week we saw an update on Racket-On-Chez by Matthew Flatt. For those
>> who missed the boat, the whole point of this transition is
>> maintainability. Hopefully with a more maintainable system, things will
>> get easier for those currently contributing to Racket but also newcomers
>> to Racket might more easily contribute PRs to improve the system in
>> general.
>> The summary on the report is that Racket on Chez is considered mostly
>> done with all functionility in place and most tests passing. There are a
>> few things where RacketCS won’t behave the same as current Racket:
>> * no single-precision or extended-precision flonums;
>> * some differences in the FFI;
>> * no support for C API;
>> There are a few other incompatible points but for more detail please
>> refer to the original post. RacketCS will never be fully compatible with
>> Racket, therefore he whole point is to get people to move their stuff to
>> RacketCS and get rid of the current Racket variant.
>> However, there are some performance issues that might block a few
>> applications from transitioning right away. Alex Harsanyi, developer of
>> ActivityLog2 mentioned in the mailing list that in his case RacketCS is
>> significantly slower than Racket 7.1. Matthew promised in a reply no
>> switch will happen until performance is good enough. Alex elaborated his
>> point further by providing function timings of ActivityLog2 in this
>> gist.
>> Wiki
>> Stephen de Gabrielle has been seriously active on the wiki side of
>> things. It has some really interesting content and you should check it
>> out.
>> Racket Github Topic
>> Stephen de Gabrielle has beautified the GitHub topic for Racket through
>> a PR.
>> Upcoming Meetups
>> * FOSDEM2019 - On Feb. 2,3 in Brussels, Belgium FOSDEM will take place.
>>   There is a minimalistic languages interest group where Racket will be
>>   mentioned a few times
>> * BOB2019 - Right before Racketfest, also in Berlin, Germany. Directly
>>   related to Racket, you a talk by our own Shriram Krishnamurthi and a
>>   tutorial by Jesse Alama on WebDev
>> * RacketFest - Jesse Alama is organizing the first European Racket
>>   Meeting. It will take place in Berlin, Germany on March 23, 2019. Make
>>   sure you get your ticket before they sell out... again!
>> Racket around the web
>> Here are a few blog posts about Racket...
>> * Racket-on-Chez Status: January 2019
>> * Can we abstract control flow?
>> Project of the Week
>> We all know how there are so many hidden gems in the Racket world. I
>> hope, in this section, to make these gems shine, one at a time.
>> So for this week I chose to mention: Rash by William Hatch.
>> From its webpage:
>> Rash is a shell language, library, and REPL for Racket.
>> Use as a repl that is as convenient for pipelining programs as Bash is,
>> but has all the power of Racket. Use as a scripting language with #lang
>> rash. Embed in normal Racket files with (require rash), and mix freely
>> with any other Racket language or library.
>> Rash is in active development, but it is largely stable (and the parts
>> that aren't are marked as such). I use it as my default interactive
>> shell on my laptop. It currently lacks the interactive polish of Zsh or
>> Fish, but it is so much better as a language. Every script I've ported
>> from a bourne-related shell to Rash is more robust, simpler, easier to
>> maintain, easier to expand, and much more fun.
>> I have used it on a regular basis to easily access the shell from Racket
>> and it is brilliant. Check it out!
>> Help Needed
>> Do you know a project looking for contributors? I would love to hear
>> about it.
>> * Racket News: Besides the obvious, What would you like to see next? I
>>   could use a hand to design some sort of logo and maybe make
>>   suggestions with regards to the website design. Using Frog with the
>>   Clean blog bootstrap4 theme but I am definitely way out of my league
>>   as soon as I need to do any CSS or design.
>> Stats of mention
>> Here is some data from the development of Racket for the month of
>> January, 2019.
>> Number of master Commits131
>> Number of Opened PRs    2
>> Number of Merged PRs    7
>> Number of Opened Bugs   4
>> Number of Closed Bugs   7
>> Bugs open               282
>> PRs open                87
>> Contributions by (12):
>> * Ben Greenman
>> * dharmatech
>> * Greg Hendershott
>> * Gustavo Massaccesi
>> * Jay McCarthy
>> * Matthew Flatt
>> * Robby Findler
>> * rxg
>> * Ryan Culpepper
>> * Spencer Florence
>> * Vincent St-Amour
>> * Winny
>> Jobs
>> If you want to advertise any Racket related jobs, please send me an
>> email or submit a PR.
>> Disclaimer
>> This issue is brought to you by Paulo Matos. Any mistakes or
>> inaccuracies are solely mine and they do not represent the views of the
>> PLT team, who develop Racket.
>> I have also tried to survey the most relevant things that happened in
>> Racket-lan(g|d) recently. If you have done something awesome, wrote a
>> blog post or seen something that I missed - my apologies. Let me know so
>> I can rectify it in the next issue.
>> --
>> Paulo Matos
>> --
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Paulo Matos

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