I'm twiddling with struct-plus-plus, adding declarative rules, and ~?
isn't doing what I expect. I expect that:

    (~? rule) ...

is equivalent to (~? rule (~@)) and means "If `rule` matched
something, insert it here.  Do this for each item that `rule` matched.
If `rule` did not match anything, put nothing here."  That's not what
I'm seeing, though.  The following is as stripped-down as I can get it
and still demonstrate the problem.

#lang racket
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax syntax/parse))

(define-syntax (struct++ stx)
  (syntax-parse stx
    [(_ name:id (field:id ...) (~optional (rule:expr ...)) opt ...)
     #'(begin (struct name (field ...) opt ...)
            (list (~? rule) ... ))]))

Given this declaration, it should be legal to omit the second set of
parentheses and their contents, but I'm getting compilation errors
when I do that.

; This works fine
(struct++ animal (species) ('testing 'testing) #:transparent)
(animal 'dog)

; As does this
(struct++ person (name age) ()  #:transparent)
(person 'bob 19)

; The lack of the second set of parens causes
; compilation to fail with the error:
;      ?: attribute contains non-list value
;      value: #f
(struct++ person (name age) #:transparent)
(person 'bob 19)

I can analyze it this far:  I'm using the (~? head-template) form
here.  `rule` is an identifier bound to a pattern variable, so `rule`
is a template.  All templates are head-templates, therefore `rule` is
a head template.  There were no rules for `rule` to match so `rule`
should be a missing pattern variable within the overall pattern, and
therefore the ~? form should emit nothing.

Clearly I'm not understanding something.  Can someone point me in the
right direction?

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