Hello :)
I'm working on a FFI API for ncurses 
https://github.com/dys-bigwig/racket-ncurses and I'm having some trouble 
figuring out how best to represent the titular construct: an array of long 

To quote Dan Gookin's excellent ncurses reference:

"chstr is an array of formatted text to be displayed on the screen. The 
> array is composed of chtype characters, which are not char but long int 
> values. (The chtype character consists of a character plus attribute 
> information.)"

this being my first time doing anything of this nature, I'm struggling to 
work out just what features/procedures/representation I should be using to 
best facilitate this.
I have the single chtype defined as follows:

(define _chtype (make-ctype _long #f #f))

and I'm using char->integer to convert racket chars for the addch family of 
functions, combined with a bitwise-ior to apply the attribute mask. I did 
try providing a racket conversion function as part of the definition, but 
that prevented the attribute mask from being applied (trying to apply 
bitwise-ior to #\A for example). Back to the matter at hand, for the 
addchstr function (which utilises the aforementioned chtype-arrays) my plan 
is to use string->list and then map the bitwise-ior over said list. 
However, I first need to decide how to represent the associated c array 
type which will be populated with these attribute masked (long) integers.

I feel I'm really at the point (as if I wasn't before) of needing to ask 
for assistance from someone who has a better idea of how this should be 
handled, so as to minimise the amount of work I may potentially have to 

Advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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