1. I think the Flonum -> Nonnegative-Flonum change would be easy to do.
2. `define-predicate` uses contracts, and contracts have significant
overhead that simpler functions like `positive?` don't.
3. Can you file bugs for the OC issue?


On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 2:23 PM 'John Clements' via Racket Users
<racket-users@googlegroups.com> wrote:
> I was doing some very low-key monte carlo testing today, and I wanted to 
> whether it would magically get faster if I used TR. The short answer is … 
> well, wait on that. Here’s my program; it’s supposed to check the likelihood 
> that three randomly chosen numbers in the interval 0-1 could be the sides of 
> an acute triangle:
> #lang typed/racket
> (define-predicate nneg-flonum? Nonnegative-Flonum)
> ;; comment it out for no-check...
> ; (define (nneg-flonum? n) #t)
> (define (run-trials [trials : Natural])
>   (exact->inexact
>    (/ (for/sum : Natural
>         ([i (in-range trials)])
>         (define a (assert (random) nneg-flonum?))
>         (define b (assert (random) nneg-flonum?))
>         (define c (assert (random) nneg-flonum?))
>         (if (and (< (abs (- a b)) c)
>                  (< c (sqrt (+ (* a a) (* b b)))))
>             1
>             0))
>       trials)))
> (time
>  (for ([i : Natural (in-range 26)])
>    (define trials (expt 2 i))
>    (printf "~v trials: ~v\n"
>            trials (run-trials trials))))
> ;; IN DRRACKET, "no debugging or profiling"
> ;; TR:    cpu time: 37953 real time: 36371 gc time: 3849
> ;; TR/NC: cpu time: 33632 real time: 33959 gc time: 8511
> ;; TR:    cpu time: 24707 real time: 24693 gc time: 27
> ;; TR:    cpu time: 26602 real time: 26610 gc time: 27
> ;; TR/NC: cpu time: 12735 real time: 12727 gc time: 132
> ;; TR/NC: cpu time: 12715 real time: 12713 gc time: 116
> One thing that I was curious about was the necessity for the assertion on the 
> result of random. Specifically, it appears to me that the result of the call 
> (random) is guaranteed to be a Nonnegative-Flonum, but the type on Random is 
> not that specific:
> (case->
>  (->* (Integer Integer) (Pseudo-Random-Generator) Nonnegative-Fixnum)
>  (->* (Integer) (Pseudo-Random-Generator) Nonnegative-Fixnum)
>  (->* () (Pseudo-Random-Generator) Flonum))
> Is there a reason for this?
> More generally, of course, I’d like to know why the TR version isn’t faster; 
> I ran the given timings on the command-line, which seemed to speed up the 
> no-check version immensely and the TR version hardly at all. I checked the 
> optimization coach, and all of the numeric portions are solid green. Maybe 
> the numeric portion of the inner loop isn’t the slow part?
> I tried some amateur loop-unrolling, duplicating the inner body 4 times and 
> running the loop 1/4 as many times, and … got essentially no difference, 
> which would suggest that the arithmetic part *is* the slow part.
> …
> or
> … Ah! It’s the calls to “random”. reducing the calls to random by a factor of 
> four makes the code run about four times faster. Hmm… How about those 
> assertions?
> Oh! look! changing (assert (random) nneg-flonum?) into (assert (random) 
> positive?) makes the code twice as fast! So apparently using an assert with a 
> define-predicate is not a good idea, at least in this case. Is that generally 
> true?
> Okay, I just went to “show more” on the Optimization Coach, and two 
> fascinating things happened
> 1) The colors went bananas, and editing the file put me in sliding-highlight 
> hell, so I had to close and re-open the buffer.
> 2) The optimization coach suggested that the parameter lookup of 
> (current-pseudo-random-generator) could be slow, so I should look it up once. 
> I took this advice and…
> racket is now segfaulting reliably. Whoops! Time to file a PR.
> Well, okay, that’s (tallying…) one change request (type of random), one 
> question (bad idea to use define-predicate?), one vague bug report 
> (optimization coach coloring), and one straight-up crash (seg fault). I think 
> I’ve used my quota, back to real work.
> John
> --
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