On Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 11:51 AM <matth...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:

> 3. Which brings me to to the biggest obstacle.
> — beginners make mistakes
> — languages must explain mistakes
> — beginners better understand these explanations
Yes to all three of your points. I was thinking about your last point in my
first exploration, and error handling/reporting is something that is at the
front of my mind as I look at things like Pyret's sanitizers, as well as
the many/manifest ways that I see students struggle/fail with R. I don't
think I'll be able to "solve" this in the first instance, but keeping
centered the lived experience of the novice when learning to work with data
(which often comes in "from the wild," and is not
consistent/reliable/etc.), how to manage that messiness, and how to report
back in a learning-centric way when they encounter difficulty is going to
be 1) hard and 2) critical.

Which is perhaps a reflection/restatement/variation of what your last point.

I'm generally familiar with the broad space in which Guillaume's work is
situated, and have seen in presented/read it. So, yes.

And, thank you for the pointer to the rewriter library. The Racket stack is
rich enough at this point that I forget the wealth of tools that are


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