> Are you using emacs racket-mode? I have experience this issue only in that 
> mode since it does not (to my knowledge) implement all the error anchoring 
> features of DrRacket.

It might just be that you have DrRacket set to user a higher
errortrace level than racket-mode?

That is, in DrR, Language | Choose Language | Dynamic Properties, you
may have chosen one of the "Debugging"  radio buttons and checked
"Preserve stack trace".

In racket-mode, the equivalent is the `racket-error-context` variable:


If you have it set to 'low or 'medium, you might not get as much error
context as with 'high (just like if you had "weaker" options in that
DrR dialog box, DrR wouldn't show you as good error context).

As Eric notes, you can leave this set to 'low or 'medium, and do C-u
C-c C-c to re-reun with it temporarily set to 'high. This can be a
nice way to get the best of both worlds: Normally things build and run
faster (errortrace can be slow). If you experience an error, and the
message isn't ideal, you can C-u C-c C-c.

Finally, racket-repl-mode tries to notice Racket error messages in the
output and "linkify" them. You can click them with the mouse, or use
the standard M-x next-error (often bound to C-x `) to go to the error
location. This works with rackunit failures as well as errors.

Of course, it helps if the error file is /path/to/foo.rkt instead of
foo.rkt. Sometimes Racket tries to be helpful and abbreviate long
pathnames to be <pkgs>. racket-mode tries to defeat this abbreviation
so go-to-error can work. :)

Also, some macros don't do the ideal thing -- i.e. don't use e.g.
syntax/loc or quasisyntax/loc -- and the error location is inside the
macro when it might make more sense for it to be the macro use site.
There's not much racket-mode can do about that, AFAICT.

p.s. I didn't feel like you were dissing racket-mode, so I hope the
above doesn't sound defensive. I want to explain what it attempts to
do. I dogfood it heavily and I don't like it to annoy me. :)  However
I know it's far from perfect.  Also there are sometimes long stretches
where I have to be mostly just another user of racket-mode for $WORK,
and can't really detour to work on racket-mode much. Fortunately there
are other people who help contribute fixes and improvements (although
sometimes I get so busy I can barely keep up with their offered help,
and feel doubly guilty).

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