On Tuesday, 23 April 2019 15:57:52 UTC+1, Matthew Flatt wrote:
> This response will be rambling, too. :) 

And here I thought I asked an embarrassingly silly question :)

While implementing a "naive" version I ran into two issues that I kind of 
predicted upfront, but just wanted to make sure they indeed would present a 

#lang prelude/tags

(list 1 #k(foo) 2)
;; => (tag 'foo) as rewritten by our extended reader, 
;; where tag is a struct provided by prelude/tags

  (list 1 #k(foo) 2))
;; => ; tag: undefined;

This can be solved with (require (for-syntax prelude/tags)) but as with 
other autoquoted types I'd probably want to be able to just write them in 
any phase. Docs say some stuff about namespaces having a scope that crosses 
all phases plus separate scopes for each phase. Is there a way for a 
binding to span all phases without cooperation from the user?

Another problem is with REPL. Above runs fine when I run the module, but 
not if I type in REPL. 

scratch.rkt> (list 1 #k(foo))
; stdin::1273: read-syntax: bad syntax `#k`
; foo: undefined;
;  cannot reference an identifier before its definition
;   in module: "/Users/russki/Code/scratch.rkt"

What's up with that? Does the reader there need to be defined specially 

I would be really happy to see someone experiment with these ideas, and 
> I'm pretty sure they could be implemented mostly by changing the 
> expander and reader in "racket/src/expander"

I'd love to see this implemented, but  Racket internals terrify me. As you 
can see above I can barely cope with the basics :)

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