Hi All,

I have noticed sluggish performance with my plot overlays in Racket 7.3 
that I had not noticed in versions 7.2 and prior. Here's the code I am 
using to test (taken from here 

(require plot)

(define ((make-current-value-renderer fn) snip event x y)
  (define overlays
    (and x y (eq? (send event get-event-type) 'motion)
         (list (vrule x #:style 'long-dash)
               (point-label (vector x (fn x)) #:anchor 'auto))))
  (send snip set-overlay-renderers overlays))

(define snip (plot-snip (function sin) #:x-min 0 #:x-max (* 2 pi) #:y-min 
-1.5 #:y-max 1.5))
(send snip set-mouse-event-callback (make-current-value-renderer sin))

With 7.3, it feels like the frame rate hovers around 5-10 fps and the mouse 
pointer input is buffered so you can move around the plot and it will 
slowly try to catch up to where your pointer was. 7.2 and prior all felt 
snappy and seemed to be at least 20-30 fps. 

Here are my installation details:

Ubuntu 19.04
Intel Core i5-7400
16GB RAM with only ~10GB in use (no swapping) and <1GB in use by DrRacket
Racket 7.3 installed from the PPA 

I asked Alex H. if he had noticed this regression and he said he had not. 
He uses Windows. I have not tried to see if the PPA version is any 
different from the official installer to see if there's a difference. Maybe 
that's the next step?


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