I'm pleased to announce that videos for the Racketfest talks
are now available!


There were four talks:

+ Shriram gave the opening keynote.  Tons of insight into
  recent work on syntactic sugar, error messages, with a lot
  of historical wisdom thrown in. Plenty of colorful remarks
  with an F-bomb or two added for good measure.

+ Michael Sperber showed us how he uses design recipes and
  his own teaching language in his FP training and teaching.

+ Ryan Culpepper talked about <del>Czech</del> syntax-parse
  and internal DSLs in Racket, and his philosophy thereof.

+ Panicz Godek asked us re-think the standard FP vs. OOP
  fight. (Because my camera's battery died, the last few
  minutes of this talk are missing.)



Jesse Alama

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