Several times now, I've run into one or another form of the following

Say I want to build primitives to

   1. declare an "interface" as a list of names, and
   2. implement and use those names at run time in a limited scope

Concretely, I want to run the following code:

(interface Speaker say speak)
(implement Speaker displayln (say 'hello) speak)

If I put these lines at the end of a file that implements the two forms, it
should (displayln 'hello) when I run it.

Here is the interface macro:

(define-syntax (interface stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ id member-id ...) #'(define-syntax id #'(member-id ...))]))

The implement macro is trickier. A naive implementation looks like this:

(define-syntax (implement stx)
  (syntax-case stx ()
    [(_ class-id def ... expr)
     (with-syntax ([(id ...) (syntax-e (syntax-local-value #'class-id))])
       #'(letrec ([id def] ...) expr))]))

It fails with the following message:

; /tmp/j.rkt:44:30: say: unbound identifier;   in: say;   context...:;
   #(570423 use-site) [common scopes];   other binding...:;    local;
  #(570422 macro) [common scopes];   common scopes...:;    #(570223
module) #(570226 module j) #(570426 local) #(570427 intdef);
#(570428 local)

Incorporating the debug-scopes package's +scopes macro shows this:

 ((say⁰˙˙¹ displayln⁰˙˙³) (speak⁰˙˙¹ (say⁰˙˙³ (quote⁰˙˙³ hello⁰˙˙³))))
 speak⁰˙˙³)ˢˡⁱ⁼²⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼³0 module   5705121 module j 5705152 macro
5707193 use-site 570720

For reasons I don't yet fully comprehend, it just works out if I use
syntax-local-introduce on the id's, so +scopes gives me this:

 ((say⁰˙˙³ displayln⁰˙˙³) (speak⁰˙˙³ (say⁰˙˙³ (quote⁰˙˙³ hello⁰˙˙³))))
 speak⁰˙˙³)ˢˡⁱ⁼²⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼³0 module   5712471 module j 5712502 macro
5714553 use-site 571456

But if the interface and implement invocations are not in the same file as
their implementations, it breaks with a similar error:

; /tmp/h.rkt:5:30: say: unbound identifier;   in: say;   context...:;
  #(572682 module) [common scopes];   other binding...:;    local;
#(572388 module) #(572391 module j) #(572596 module);    #(572599
module j) [common scopes];   common scopes...:;    #(572685 module h)
#(572700 local) #(572701 intdef) #(572702 local)

In this situation, +scopes gives:

 ((say⁴˙˙⁵ displayln⁴˙˙⁶) (speak⁴˙˙⁵ (say⁴˙˙⁶ (quote⁴˙˙⁶ hello⁴˙˙⁶))))
 speak⁴˙˙⁶)ˢˡⁱ⁼⁶⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼0 module   5768541 module j 5768572 module
5770563 module j 5770594 module   5771505 module h 5771536 macro

If I move the interface invocation back into the original file and keep the
implement invocation in a separate file, I get the same error but +scopes
gives something slightly different:

 ((say⁰˙˙⁴ displayln⁴˙˙⁶) (speak⁰˙˙⁴ (say⁴˙˙⁶ (quote⁴˙˙⁶ hello⁴˙˙⁶))))
 speak⁴˙˙⁶)ˢˡⁱ⁼⁴⁺ᵘˢᵉ⁼0 module   5723881 module j 5723912 module
5725963 module j 5725994 macro    5726975 module   5726826 module h

What's going on here? How do I fix this?


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