On Wed, Jun 5, 2019 at 12:26 PM James Geddes <james.ged...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Annoyingly, my colleague had got the same speedup by using Numpy, but that
> does require a change to the way one arranges the calculation (and the
> change is unnatural, to my eye).

Also, that's cheating! Numpy is mostly written in C, with all of the safety
issues that entails. Numpy is a great, well-maintained library, but these
issues came up with a library I depend on just this week.

The JSON parser and writer in Python's standard library are not especially
fast,* so there are a lot of JSON packages that do what you need to do to
write fast Python modules: write them in C. At Digital Ricouer, we are
using spaCy, a Python NLP library. They've vendored a fork of one of these
C-level JSON libraries and some similar libraries with the goal of making
maintenance easier. This week, someone found some memory leaks
<https://github.com/explosion/srsly/issues/4>, because manual memory
management is hard. The reporter said, "*Days* were spent on this issue,
because I would never suspect the JSON library to be at fault, but it is."
It turns out the upstream library has had an open PR
<https://github.com/esnme/ultrajson/pull/270> to patch these leaks since
June 2017. The creator of spaCy commented:

> I have to say, I feel pretty sheepish about this. The fact that ujson had
> that PR open for a while was one of the things that made us think that
> vendoring our own fork might not be such a bad idea. But...then I got
> started doing srsly, and I forgot all about that PR :(. So I never ended up
> actually integrating the patch!

With Racket, you are getting this speed while working in a safe language,
with C-level bits only where they really do make sense.

*I'd love to see benchmarks of Python's stock JSON parser vs. Racket's,
especially since Matthew's optimizations in Racket 7.3.

On your broader questions:

> However, I'm now unsure how to continue. How should I think about making
> speed improvements?

If you want to optimize Mandelbrot, it happens to be worked through as an
example in The Racket Guide section on parallelism with futures:

In general, though, I think a the fundamental question is what kind of
programs you're going to write and where the hot spots are likely to be. I
personally don't do much pure number-crunching, but I think that is an area
where Typed Racket can help: it can effectively translate `+` into
`unsafe-fl+` because the type-checker has proven the arguments are correct.
For more general advice, the Guide has a section on performance:

Two other miscellaneous points that come to mind:

   - `match` does some similar optimizations to Typed Racket, so that it
   can use e.g. `unsafe-car` and `unsafe-cdr` if it knows it's already done a
   `pair?` check.
   - Many sequence constructors like `in-list` document that they "can
   provide better performance for … iteration when [they] appear[] directly in
   a `for
   clause." The difference is significant: with `in-list`, `in-vector`, etc.,
   the `for`-like forms are generally as fast as hand-written loops. I'm in
   the habit of using these constructors all the time.


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