Although I don't think I currently /need/ a streaming parser for speed
or space reasons, I can imagine using one.

I'd suggest making something where the user supplies an "on-element"
"callback", which is called with each element -- plus the "path" of
ancestor elements. The user's callback can do whatever it wants.

That could be its own, focused library. I won't say "simple" because
you're parsing HTML!! :)

I can imagine other libraries built on top of that. One I would want to
use (or write myself, share, and use) would offer something like CSS
selectors. Not their syntax. Just some simple function combinators to
express the equivalent. (Because xml/path is close, and maybe enough for
XML, but not quite enough for real-world HTML.) In fact I already do
this, on the full HTML. I can imagine doing this on top of a streaming
parser, instead.

So those are my quick thoughts. I hope that's helpful, and also, other
people will have even better feedback for you.

p.s. One suggestion I have, which you might not like: I think it would
be good if you host Racket packages on GitHub, GitLab, or similar other
site you find least objectionable. I respect your rationale for not
doing that, to-date. On the other hand, people these days like to see
the full git commit history, issues, and pull requests. It helps them
evaluate a package, and feel good about future availability. When they
don't, it can be a speed bump to adoption. If you're aware of all this
but still don't want to do that, again I 100% respect that. Just my
opinion and perspective.

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