>  The paint times for 7.2 seem inconsistent with your previous tests...

Correct. That run was a bit of an outlier. The 7.2 runs are mostly in line 
with 7.3 with respect to paint.

Here's what I get for mouse callback stats with this code 
<http://pasterack.org/pastes/88406> when I use different thresholds for 

Version Min Max Mean StdDev 
7.2; delta < 2 0 22 3.398 3.968 
7.3; delta < 2 0 210 4.795 18.214 
7.2; delta < 20 0 22 2.332 3.64 
7.3; delta < 20 0 206 9.728 19.46 
7.2; delta < 200 0 106 2.961 7.802 
7.3; delta < 200 0 239 29.579 34.369 

With a smaller delta, more overlays are able to be shown in 7.3, but it is 
still noticeably laggy compared to 7.2 (looks like about a third of the 
frequency of updates). I suppose I can try this approach with my plot code 
if I upgrade to 7.3, but it's kind of upsetting.


On Friday, June 7, 2019 at 2:07:26 PM UTC-10, Alex Harsanyi wrote:
> The paint times for 7.2 seem inconsistent with your previous tests...
> In any case, it seems mouse event handling takes longer in 7.3 based your 
> results.  What happens if you update the callback to discard any mouse 
> events older than, say 50 milliseconds?
> Alex.
> On Friday, June 7, 2019 at 7:27:32 PM UTC+8, evdubs wrote:
>> I changed the Linux line of code to:
>> [time-stamp (current-milliseconds)]
>> Is there a reason why you did not want to do that?
>> Any way, when I do that, here are the results I get:
>> $ ~/racket-7.2/bin/racket chart-lag-test.rkt
>> Mouse
>> Min: 0.132080078125
>> Max: 23.10107421875
>> Mean: 3.257062241367008
>> StdDev: 4.589805152078677
>> Paint
>> Min: 0.178955078125
>> Max: 102.94091796875
>> Mean: 28.86041259765625
>> StdDev: 42.84071031974706
>> $ ~/racket- chart-lag-test.rkt
>> Mouse
>> Min: 0.126953125
>> Max: 202.34912109375
>> Mean: 25.70277455891149
>> StdDev: 38.4063903237421
>> Paint
>> Min: 0.175048828125
>> Max: 21.754150390625
>> Mean: 7.548767089843749
>> StdDev: 8.728339324923978
>> If this modification is okay, I guess this is getting somewhere?
>> Evan
>> On Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 5:43:40 PM UTC-10, Alex Harsanyi wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 9:23:26 PM UTC+8, Alex Harsanyi wrote:
>>>> On Wednesday, June 5, 2019 at 8:51:48 PM UTC+8, evdubs wrote:
>>>>> I ran the program with your modifications, but counter to the 
>>>>> documentation 
>>>>> <https://docs.racket-lang.org/gui/event_.html?q=get-time-stamp#%28meth._%28%28%28lib._mred%2Fmain..rkt%29._event~25%29._get-time-stamp%29%29>,
>>>>> the values I get from get-time-stamp don't seem at all similar to 
>>>>> current-milliseconds or current-inexact-milliseconds. I ended up defining 
>>>>> delta as follows (with 1559695139340 being a guess):
>>>>> (define delta (- (current-inexact-milliseconds) 1559695139340 (send 
>>>>> event get-time-stamp)))
>>>> On my machine, `get-time-stamp` always returns 0 -- this indicates that 
>>>> the event% object itself is copied somewhere along the way but the 
>>>> timestamp is not copied, The 1559695139340 is just the unix timestamp from 
>>>> when you ran the code first time.  I don't think the mouse test is 
>>>> relevant 
>>>> as is...  unfortunately I don't have any more suggestions for now...
>>> It looks like the `get-time-stamp` returns a value that is not what the 
>>> documentation specifies and it is also platform specific, I created an 
>>> issue with the relevant details here: 
>>> https://github.com/racket/gui/issues/132
>>> For now, I cannot think of a way to determine how old a mouse event is 
>>> when the callback is invoked.
>>>> Alex.

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